
Welcome to MRRA's Home Page Last Update 7/10/24 JOIN MRRA

May 2011: MRRA website tops 500,000 hits

Welcome to MRRA's website and thank you for visiting us.  MRRA is a voluntary, community organisation, established in 1995.  The MRRA website is another way in which the Association can communicate with members and Macedon Ranges' residents on issues that affect them.  Current and previous items on this site can be accessed through the main menu bar (above).  Any problems?  Email us on mrra.sec999@gmail.com


(7/10/24)  MRRA Assessment of Council Election Candidates 2024

Who We Would, and Wouldn't, Vote For





Quick Links To Top Issues




The State Government Has Not Delivered The Protection It Promised Macedon Ranges

(13/11/18 - SP)  One step forward has been matched by two steps back.   Macedon Ranges is not yet protected. 


Lightning Strikes Twice As the New Macedon Ranges "Statement of Planning Policy" Still Doesn't Make The Grade

(10/9/18 - SP)  Our hopes that the redraft of this document would set a benchmark for strong protective policy,  clear directions and transparency for any future growth haven't been met. 

There's a world of difference, isn't there, between 'getting things done' and 'getting things done well'.  If we have to have it, MRRA calls for changes first.


  Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Bill Approved By The Victorian Parliament 22/5/18, Royal Assent 29/5/18

(23/7/18) MRRA expresses its appreciation to the State Labor government and Minister for Planning, Hon. Richard Wynne,

Mary-Anne Thomas Macedon MLA, the Liberal-National Coalition, the Greens Party, the Reason Party,

the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, the Australian Conservative Party, the Vote 1 for Jobs Party, and Independent members, for their support.


Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Committee & Legislation / Protection Processes

(1/12/14) Labor wins Lower House, pledging legislative protection for Macedon Ranges  

We will be holding you to delivering that.   


" Smart Planning "

The State government is breaking its promise to protect Macedon Ranges.

  Andrews Government Is "Getting Things Done" By Removing Prohibitions On Intensive Pig And Poultry Farming In Rural Conservation And Rural Living Zones,

And Drinking Water Catchments, Across Victoria.*   

(23/7/18)  Lost In Transit: "Making Things Fair" And "Delivering For All Victorians" 

* Approved and included in all Victorian planning schemes, September 2018 




Pledge To Protect Macedon Ranges:   

Andrews' Labor government, 2014 :  "Inappropriate development risks destroying the area.  Labor will legislate to protect this iconic and historic region...We will use SPP No. 8 as the basis for legislative protection... Labor's plan for the Macedon Ranges will provide the highest level of protection possible against inappropriate development...  Under Labor, the beauty, heritage and unique characteristics of the Macedon Ranges will be protected for good."  

(29/11/14)     keep-it-rural
Days To Next Council Mayoral Election: (??/11/24) 35
Days To Next Council Election: (26/10/24) 19
Days To Next State Election: (26/11/26) 782

"Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, maybe we should control the population to ensure the survival of our environment."  Sir David Attenborough - The Life of Mammals

"Dissent is what rescues democracy from a quiet death behind closed doors"  Lewis Lapham

Council Meeting Dates  (7/9/20 - C)   to December 2020

How To Contact Your Politicians  Councillors and State govt. representatives  See also Links  Updated December 2018





Breaking News, Action Required  



Macedon Ranges 2020 Council Elections - Results

(8/11/20)  Elected councillors:  East Ward:  Annette Death, Bill West, Geoff Neil.  South Ward:  Rob Guthrie, Dominic Bonanno, Anne Moore.  West Ward: Jennifer Anderson, Janet Pearce, Mark Ridgeway.   The Details - Results, Vote Distribution & Statistics  


2020 Macedon Ranges Shire Council Elections:  MRRA Assessment Of Candidates

(8/10/20 - C)  21 candidates, only 9 can be elected.  MRRA has recommended 12 candidates it would vote for, as the Shire's democracy comes under attack from an anonymous group of business interests calling itself "Macedon Ranges Life" that is running its own anonymous candidates.  MRRA 2020 Assessment of Candidates


Unprecedented Growth In 'Gisborne Futures'.  This Peri- Urban Town In A Protected Area Is Being Treated As If It's Part Of The Sunbury & Diggers Rest Growth Corridor.  The Result Is Ugly And Needs A Comprehensive Rethink.  Submissions close September 14

(7/9/20 - P)  There's a medium density explosion 'within walking distance' of the town centre and across half of the town (including at a State level heritage site). You'll also need to be a big fan of urban sprawl as hundreds of hectares of Gisborne's famed rural landscape setting are to be rezoned for suburban residential conversion, including north of the railway line for the first time ever.  A booming expansion of industrial land plus a suburban-style Commercial 2 zone on a town gateway, next to significant landscape feature Magnet Hill, rounds it out.  Gisborne Futures file



The 2019 Draft Kyneton Airfield Masterplan:  Expansion, Economics, Tourism, Expensive.  If You Wanted A Transparent, Fiscally And Socially Responsible Plan, You Will Be Disappointed.  Submissions Close 22 September

(17/9/19 - C)   Clear as mud - confusion, conflicts, contradictions and omissions.  Even though what's there now doesn't work well, the Plan's direction is still expansion and "more, more, more". Kyneton Airfield file


State Government Is Reviewing Local Government Rating System.  Consultation Closes 1 November. 

(17/9/19 - SG)  Make a submission or there's an online survey   Rating System file


All-New Local Government Bill (Act) Is Still Being Changed - Comment Until 17 July

(7/7/19 - C)  Councillors get even more stringent rules to keep them in line, but not council staff.  Local Government Act file


Kyneton Movement Network Study 2016 - 2019.  Submissions close 31 May 2019

(23/5/19 - P)   Let's call a spade a spade.  This dated Study is all (and only) about what's needed to implement the last Council's plan for accelerated growth: doubling Kyneton's population by building a new suburb south of the town.  Kyneton Movement Network Study File


The Macedon Ranges' Rural Conservation Zone Survey.   Well, That's What It's Called But This Cut-And-Paste Survey Is About The Farming Zone And Economics Not Conservation

(23/5/19 - P)   Looks like you are only supposed to have access to this survey if you live in the Rural Conservation Zone in Macedon Ranges Shire.  Rural Land File


Brand New Forum for Ratepayers, Run By Ratepayers:  CouncilWatch  https://www.councilwatch.net.au

(23/5/19 - C)   A site set up on the principle that there is strength in numbers and collective voices.    Council Watch File


RED ALERT   The 2019/2020 Macedon Ranges' Budget Is A Secret Budget.  Lots Of Council Spending But Almost No Information On How Much Money Will Be Spent On Each Item.  What's going on?   Critical Information Isn't There... And Neither Is Any Accountability And Transparency.

(21/5/19 - C)   No excuse whatsoever for this.  A Council can't just say what it's spending on, it has to say how much each item costs and how it's going to pay for it.  This Budget doesn't.  That information must be provided, and the Budget re-exhibited.   Budget file


Council's "Shared Trails" Feasibility Studies.   More Economic Development Priorities Pretending To Be Good For The Local Community And Environment

(18/3/19 - C)   Distinctly underdone and under-informed, the Studies reveal the proposed 60km of intrusive 3 metre wide bitumen trails are overwhelmingly about promoting tourism and cycling, and very little about genuinely caring about the local community's interests, heritage, environment, responsible use of ratepayers' money and risk.  A double dose of reality is needed before going down this path. Submissions close 25 March.  Trails file


Council Calls For More Community Comment On Its "Protect Only The Most Obvious, Most Important" Landscape Assessment

(18/3/19 - C)  Er, good on Council for asking, but it would have helped if people knew about it, and whether any changes have been made to the original, 3-volume, abominable Assessment in response to last November's first round of comments.  MRRA is assuming there are no changes.  Submissions close 25 March.    Landscape Assessment File 


MR Council's Controversial Draft Visitor Economy Strategy Is On Exhibition Over The Christmas Holidays.  Submissions by 11 February 2019.

(24/12/18 - C)  Oh no, not another one being exhibited over Christmas!  There’s always doubt about the intent of anything exhibited over Christmas, isn't there, and this is a good example of why.   Tourism archive   UPDATE 18/3/19:  MRRA Submission


Proposed Amendment C129 - New Gisborne Business Park Rezoning Of Rural Living To Industrial And Commercial Zones

(24/12/18 - P)  Four Councillors thought it was OK to move this amendment to exhibition stage without any prior consultation with the community, five didn't.  The amendment's surprise inclusion of 11ha of Commercial Zone in the New Gisborne Industrial Estate is a complete game-changer for the future of Gisborne and New Gisborne, with potential to split Gisborne into two commercial town centres.  Don't miss your chance when at last the community gets to have a say on these proposed changes next February.  Amendment C129 archive  

UPDATE 18/3/19:  MRRA Comments to Council


UPDATE   KYNETON AIRFIELD LOCAL LAW NO. 12 Is On Exhibition Until 7 February 2019.

(24/12/18 - C)  Another controversial document with consultation occurring over the Christmas/holiday period.  A drop-in session will be held at the Kyneton Mechanics Institute on 17 January, 6.30pm.   Ask councillors to extend the consultation time...   Kyneton Airfield archive    

UPDATE 18/3/19:  MRRA Submission


Plenty Of Questions Still Remain About The Future Of Hanging Rock And The East Paddock

(14/11/18 - P)   And boy, do they demand clear, comprehensive answers if State Government buys the East Paddock, before it buys it.   Hanging Rock file


The State Government Has Not Delivered The Protection It Promised Macedon Ranges

(13/11/18 - SP)  One step forward has been matched by two steps back.   Macedon Ranges is not yet protected.  Protection Bulletin


Macedon Ranges Draft Landscape Assessment Study On Exhibition (Submissions Close 18 November)

(12/11/18 - P)  There's some good in it (expanded Significant Landscape Overlays) but it makes the fatal mistake of saying delete Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 from Macedon Ranges planning scheme (reminiscent of the Brumby government's attempts to get rid of it), and doesn't do a damned thing for landscapes except the most significant ones.  Nice going - not.   MRRA won't be supporting it.  Landscape Assessment File

UPDATE 18/3/19:  MRRA Submission


RED ALERT  Andrews Government Is "Getting Things Done" By Removing Prohibitions On Intensive Pig And Poultry Farming In Rural Conservation And Rural Living Zones, And Drinking Water Catchments, Across Victoria.   Lost In Transit: "Making Things Fair" And "Delivering For All Victorians" 

(23/7/18 - P)  Single-minded focus on economics allows thousands of pigs and poultry to be kept, and if you're next door in any rural or green wedge or urban growth zone, your rights to know about it, object and go to VCAT are being extinguished.  Affects all rural and regional areas of Victoria, and Green Wedge and Urban Growth zones in metropolitan Melbourne. Pig and poultry business interests, and State government, are very happy.  The rest, and the environment, can fade away.  *  Changes approved and introduced as VC150 into all Victorian Planning Schemes in September 2018.  Intensive Animal Industries File


MRRA Assessment Of Proposed 'Macedon Ranges' Protection:  Legislation (Tick).  Localised Planning Statement (Avoid! Avoid!) 

(11/1/18 - SP)  The proposed Localised Planning Statement is worse than the status quo.  It turns our small settlements into growth towns, diminishes heritage and environment values by singling out only State and National significance, and even removes existing policy protections from towns, rural land and environment.  Pens at the ready - submissions to State government by 19 February.  This Localised Planning Statement is not what the legislation says it should be, not what the Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Committee recommended, not based on Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 - and it's not the protection we were promised Protection Bulletin



UPDATE State Government's "Smart Planning" Project Lurches Into Its Next Step In "Simplifying" Victoria's Planning System -  This Is A Comprehensive Dismantling Of The Planning System And Planning Schemes As We Know Them, With Further Changes To Come.   Time for Submissions Extended To FRIDAY 1 DECEMBER

(27/11/17 - P)  These and other State government changes this year make it impossible to protect Macedon Ranges, as the government promised   Red Alerts  Smart Planning File

State Government's "Smart Planning" Project Lurches Into Its Next Step In "Simplifying" Victoria's Planning System

(31/10/17 - P)  When it's full of weasel words like 'streamline', 'review', 'simplify', 'rationalise', 'lower risk applications' and 'modern planning scheme', and it's talking about reducing permit and performance requirements - WATCH OUT!  And this next step - the review of the Victoria Planning Provisions (planning schemes) to make development approvals easier- is out for comment now.  Submissions close 24 November   Red Alerts  Smart Planning File

State Level Changes To The Bushfire Management Overlay in State Amendment GC13

(31/10/17 - P)   Who's in, and who's out of the overlay is changed, and some new planning provisions are introduced   Red Alerts  Fire File

Woo-hoo.  Stunning Outcome For 2017/2018 MRSC Budget.  What A Difference An Election Makes! 

(9/7/17 - C)  New Councillors put changed priorities, and new savings, on the table  Budget file

2017 Community Satisfaction Survey:  Well, Look At That.  The Community Is Saying There's A Problem With Population Growth In Macedon Ranges

(9/7/17 - C)   Plenty of work still to be done to lift satisfaction and standards, but the change of councillors already shows because this survey tells us the tide has at least stopped going out  Survey file

MRRA Submission on Kyneton South Framework Plan

(9/7/17 - P)  This plan redefines the term "investigation"  Kyneton South Investigation File

High Alert For Kyneton Area:  Is Kyneton Being Set Up To Double In Size?   Submissions close June 23

(19/6/17 - P)   It's outrageous, sneaky and unacceptable.  The “Draft Framework Plan – Kyneton South Investigation Area, May 2017”   takes growth for Kyneton way, waaay past what the Shire's Settlement Strategy says, and silently balloons the town's boundary out towards Malmsbury and north towards the airfield.  Haven't been told?  Not what you want for Kyneton?  Make a submission.  Kyneton South file  Red Alerts

MRRA Submission To The 2017/18 Council Budget

(19/6/17 - C)   We've asked for a $3 million error to be corrected   Budget file  Red Alerts

CURRENT Outcome of Macedon Ranges 8 March Special Council Meeting For Rescission Motions 

(17/3/17 - C)  Cr. Jukes' rescission motion, to reverse Council's decision to withdraw support for Council's expired equine strategy, was defeated 8-1.  Cr. Mees' rescission motion to reverse approval of a 2 lot subdivision and 2 dwellings in Woodend, was carried   Council Performance file  Equine file  Red Alerts

22nd February 2017 Council Meeting:  Welcome To The World Of Changing Council Priorities

(6/3/17 - C)  Cr. Jukes lodges rescission motion against Council withdrawing formal support for the Equine Strategy - Special Council Meeting Wednesday 8 March, Gisborne, 6.00pm.  Councillor Performance File  Equine File   Red Alerts

Decision To Allow Ed Sheeran Concert ON Hanging Rock Breaks Faith And Process, And Totally Disrespects The Rock

(25/2/17 - C)  Macedon Ranges Shire may have new councillors but this decision - apparently without approval from new councillors - shows the rot at Council still goes deep.  Council Performances file  Hanging Rock file 


Application For 29 Dwellings (yes, 29) On 7,000 Sqm  In Calthorpe Street, Gisborne

(23/12/16 - P)  'Over-development' and 'out-of-character' have just reached new heights   222 Calthorpe St file  Red Alerts

Ombudsman's Report Into Transparency In Local Government Shines A Light Where The Light Hasn't Been Shining

(23/12/16 - SG)  Findings confirm the Macedon Ranges' community wasn't just whinging when it said the previous council lacked transparency and accountability.  The ball-biter recommendation is that all council meetings should be (at least) audio recorded - including confidential meetings... and briefings!   Ho, ho, ho, ho ho.  Ombudsman File   Red Alerts

Last Council Meeting Of The Term Shocks:  Mayor Says "What This Council Has Done, Can't Be Undone"

(27/10/16 - C)   It seemed a familiar enough pattern:  yet another house in the Farming zone; 75% of the agenda items approved "en bloc";  a councillor or two absent; self-congratulations; CEO and staff executive praised, community criticised.  Then came the pointers to where and what the rot is on council.  Councillor performance file

Recent VCAT 'Red Dot' Decision About Existing Use Rights At Carlsruhe Reveals More Than Just Another Mistake At Council

(15/9/16 - C)  You will want to see this: Macedon Ranges Council employee found to not be a credible or reliable witness  Council/Councillor Performance file   Equine file  Red Alerts

Council to go with Kyneton Airfield runway extension, despite now admitting it's not needed or planned for fire-fighting purposes

(23/8/16)  MRRA's submission on the Kyneton Airfield Masterplan  Kyneton airfield archive

Council In Denial About New Lows In Community Satisfaction With Its Performances, Blames Talk Of Rates-Capping.   Still Not Listening To The Community Then...

(19/7/16 - C)  Community loss of confidence in Council is confirmed in falls in overall council performance, overall council direction, advocacy, lobbying, making community decisions, consultation, planning, and how council is handling business and tourism.  Many 2016 satisfaction scores are the worst of this Council's term, and worse than the previous (2012) Council.  Time to throw out this failed Council, and our CEO.  Survey Archive file



Council Meeting On 16 December Didn't Disappoint - So, So Many Reasons To Sack And Investigate A Council

( 21/12/15 - C)  Why are Macedon Ranges' residents still waiting for someone to take action?   16/12/25 Council Meeting Report  Council & Councillor Performances File 



Woodend Estates.  Woodend... What?!   Is This A Retirement Village - Or Just A Whopping 300 Unit Residential Development Come Resort In A Rural Zone?

(10/11/14 - P)  Brochure says "it will be like living on a cruise ship".  Yep, that description pretty much nails living on this floodplain.    Woodend Retirement Village     Red Alerts

The Good "People Of The Town Of No" Set The Record Straight

(6/10/14 - P)   Residents know it should be the Town of KNOW, not NO, you know...   LPS file  C89  Council Performances  Red Alerts

UPDATE  The Macedon Ranges Shire's Mayor & Officer Relationship (aka The Mayor's Affair)

25/3/14 - C  Too close for ratepayers' comfort?   UPDATE (12/5/14 - C) : The CEO's letter to MRRA in response to this article  File  Red Alerts

Independent Panel Report To Abandon Amendment C92 Overturned On Mayor's Vote

(31/3/14 - P)  'Favours for mates' amendment to go to Minister - four Councillors not only know better, they even speak for the CFA!   More...

ALERT   Who Is Behind The Massive Development Push At Woodend's Iconic Golf Course Hill?

(17/4/07 - P)  MRRA looks at who is behind Davies Hill Pty Ltd - the company selling land to Braemar and no doubt looking in future to rezone the current Farming zone to clear the way for massive residential development.  It turns out that Woodend local lawyer Mr. HEP (Chinka) Steel, and local development consultant Paul Tomkinson are major players...  More...   Click here to see MRRA's archive on Golf Course Hill





See 2014 Election Result:  Andrews Government pledges legislation based on Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 to protect Macedon Ranges "for good"

See 2010 Election Result: Baillieu Government gives Macedon Ranges State Level Protection (14/12/10)

See Say No To Suburbia Noticeboard

See also "Keep Macedon Ranges Rural" archive




The State Government Has Not Delivered The Protection It Promised Macedon Ranges

(13/11/18 - SP)  One step forward has been matched by two steps back.   Macedon Ranges is not yet protected.  Protection Bulletin


Macedon Ranges Draft Landscape Assessment Study On Exhibition (Submissions Close 18 November)

(12/11/18 - P)  There's some good in it (expanded Significant Landscape Overlays) but it makes the fatal mistake of saying delete Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 from Macedon Ranges planning scheme (reminiscent of the Brumby government's attempts to get rid of it), and doesn't do a damned thing for landscapes except the most significant ones.  Nice going - not.   MRRA won't be supporting it.  Protection Bulletin


Lightning Strikes Twice As the New Macedon Ranges "Statement of Planning Policy" Still Doesn't Make The Grade

(10/9/18 - SP)  Our hopes that the redraft of this document would set a benchmark for strong protective policy,  clear directions and transparency for any future growth haven't been met.  There's a world of difference, isn't there, between 'getting things done' and 'getting things done well'. If we have to have it, MRRA calls for changes first.  Protection Bulletin


 Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Bill Approved By The Victorian Parliament 22/5/18, Royal Assent 29/5/18

(23/7/18) MRRA expresses its appreciation to the State Labor government and Minister for Planning, Hon. Richard Wynne, Mary-Anne Thomas Macedon MLA, the Liberal-National Coalition, the Greens Party, the Reason Party, the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, the Australian Conservative Party, the Vote 1 for Jobs Party, and Independent members, for their support.


MRRA Submission to Macedon Ranges Localised Planning Statement

(9/3/18 - SP)  We said: Here's what's wrong (mmm... everything).  Here's how to fix it.   And here are maps of the settlement boundaries the community wants: the existing town boundaries with no investigation areas or expansion of towns.  It's now or never for the government to stop being patronising, show it's not the growth-promoting ogre behind the LPS and its word is worth the paper it's written on. Protection Bulletin


MRRA Presentation & Resolution Carried At Public Meeting 13/2/18


MRRA Calls PUBLIC MEETING In Response To The 'Less-Protection-Not-More' Draft Macedon Ranges Localised Planning Statement

(29/1/18 - SP)   It's a community meeting for residents from all parts of the Shire:  Tuesday 13th February, 7.30pm, Gisborne Mechanics Institute, 8A Hamilton Street, Gisborne  Protection Bulletin

MRRA Assessment Of Proposed 'Macedon Ranges' Protection:  Legislation (Tick).  Localised Planning Statement (Avoid! Avoid!) 

(11/1/18 - SP)  The proposed Localised Planning Statement is worse than the status quo.  It turns our small settlements into growth towns, diminishes heritage and environment values by singling out only State and National significance, and even removes existing policy protections from towns, rural land and environment.  Pens at the ready - submissions to State government by 19 February. 

This Localised Planning Statement is not what the legislation says it should be, not what the Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Committee recommended, not based on Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 - and it's not the protection we were promised  Protection bulletin


A Big Step Forward By State Government Towards Protecting All Of The Macedon Ranges Shire, But...

(6/3/17 - SP)  Council gets to write the protection policy.  While our new group of councillors is much, much better than the previous group, the 'accelerated-growth-and-economic-development' obsessed administration hasn't changed...  Protection File    

Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Committee Members:  Names and Bio

(20/1/16 - SP)   Committee make-up has a strong environmental flavour  Protection File   Click here for the full bio sheet.

Terms of Reference for Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Panel Released

(8/1/16 - SP)   Another welcome step towards protection, but where is the government's priority for Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 to be the basis for legislation?  Labor Protection file

'Protecting Macedon Ranges' Community Forum, Gisborne:  Minister For Planning Impresses With Strong Commitment To Protect

(24/11/15 - SP)  Expert Panel to be appointed, community to have its say about legislation, what it values, and protection    Labor Protection file

State Government Is Holding A Community Forum In Macedon Ranges

(6/11/15 - SP)   It's a winner because (1) the Minister for Planning will be there, (2) it's about legislation to protect Macedon Ranges and (3) it's about community  Labor Protection file

MRRA Reps Meet Minister For Planning, Richard Wynne

(27/4/15 - SP)  Minister says he can't say it any clearer:  Labor will legislate to protect this iconic and historic region.  We will use Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 as the basis for legislative protection.  That's what the government said it would do, and that's  what it will do.   Labor Protection file



"Inappropriate development risks destroying the area.  Labor will legislate to protect this iconic and historic region.”

"We will use SPP No. 8 as the basis for legislative protection."

"Labor's plan for the Macedon Ranges will provide the highest level of protection possible against inappropriate development."

"Under Labor, the beauty, heritage and unique characteristics of the Macedon Ranges will be protected for good."

We will be holding you to delivering that.


UPDATE  MRRA STICKERS:  "ENDANGERED: Protect Macedon Ranges" and "Macedon Ranges: State significance, STATE PROTECTION

(23/11/14)  You said slow growth, no suburbia, keep community feel, rotten council, endangered, protect: Keep Macedon Ranges Rural!    See the stickers    Note:  If you would like stickers, please let us know      

MRRA STICKERS:  "ENDANGERED: Protect Macedon Ranges" and "Macedon Ranges: State significance, STATE PROTECTION

(20/11/14)  Available in main towns between 10 am - 12 noon on Saturday 22nd   Details  See the stickers   What's wrong?  See the map

MRRA Stickers: Stand Up, Show You Care, And Get That Message Everywhere:   "Protect Macedon Ranges"

(11/11/14)  MRRA will be handing out stickers in the main towns over the weekend of 22 and 23 November  More

Minister for Planning Says State Government Will Not Protect Macedon Ranges Before The State Election, and Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 Is Out-of-date, Old-fashioned

(30/10/14 - SP)  MRRA:  If the government now thinks SPP8 is so out-of-date, so old-fashioned, it's the fault of the government which has had 4 years to fix it, and honour its election promise to put it in place as State policy.  Now it's a broken promise.   See LPS file report

Macedon Ranges Needs You! 

(14/10/14 - SP)  Get on board.  Write, email or send a carrier pigeon:  Tell politicians to protect Macedon Ranges with Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 as State Policy (LPS).  Macedon Ranges Needs You  SNTS Noticeboard

Council Puts Another Nail In Macedon Ranges' Coffin:  Its Rampant Rural Living Strategy Will Destroy Significant Landscapes, Clobber Gisborne

(25/10/14 - P)  Council quietly takes the next step in its economic development / equine / growth agenda:  a sea of houses instead of sweeping rural views to Mount Macedon as you enter the Shire from Melbourne. This couldn't happen if we had Statement of Planning Policy No 8 as State policy.    Rural Living File   LPS   SNTS Noticeboard

 Macedon Ranges' Last Defence Against Over-development Removed As Council Adopts Its Damaging Localised Planning Statement

(1/10/14 - P)   Outcome predictable, but Cr. Letchford 's derision of opposite community views went way past unacceptable   LPS 

MRRA Meets With Minister For Planning, Matthew Guy, June 22

(17/8/11 - SP)  Statement of Planning Policy No. 8 to be State policy by end of 2011 More...

State Government Sets Up Peri Urban Planning Unit Within Department

(13/4/11- P)  First step towards making State Protection a reality for Macedon Ranges  More...

Council's Settlement Strategy: Submissions Extended Until End Of January 2011

(23/12/10 - P)  There's still time to tell them to do it again...  More...

Macedon Ranges' Settlement Strategy Out For Consultation Until December 17th

(14/11/10 - P)   Don't be fooled into thinking this is either about, or good for, Macedon Ranges.  And once again, all we are getting is over 477 pages of information, and crap consultation processes, just before Christmas.  Now that's usually a sign something's wrong... More...

'Committee For Melbourne' Thinks Macedon Ranges Is The Place For A Suburb

(14/11/10 - P)  CFM aspires to include Gisborne and Riddells Creek (and Macedon) into the Metro area  More...


Urban Growth Boundary Changes






CURRENT (7/9/20)  Council Meeting Dates to December 2020  More...


ON-GOING Woodend Landcare

(21/8/12 - CC)  GET INVOLVED! EVERY THURSDAY!  More...







Note: Access is available to Members through Members' Forum


MRRA Submission to 2017/18 MRSC Budget  (19/6/17 - C)   We are asking for a $3 million error to be corrected  Link

MRRA Presentations to Panel Hearings (25/5/16)  Structure Plans and Protection Advisory Committee  Link

MRRA Submission (18/12/15)  Local Government Act Review  Local Government Act Review file

MRRA Turns 20 - Happy Anniversary!

MRRA Submission (13/7/15)  Hanging Rock Review  Hanging Rock file

MRRA Submission (28/4/15 - P)  Landscape Assessment Study: Round 2  Landscape file

MRRA Submission (16/3/15 - P)  Landscape Assessment Study: Round 1  Landscape file

MRRA Submission (12/12/14 - P)  Macedon Ranges' Shire's "In The Rural Living Zone"   Rural Living file

MRRA Submission On Metropolitan Strategy Discussion Paper (The New Melbourne 2030) (23/4/13-RA-P)  It's a big document with many parts, but it's a worry when how Macedon Ranges will be protected isn't clear at all, we are told we must 'move away from regulation', priority is given to economics, and there is to be a new process to 'facilitate' creative and innovative investment projects - even when it isn't allowed by a planning scheme Click here

MRRA Is Back (30/6/11)  MRRA website back after Distribute IT hacking attack  More...

MRRA Submission - President's VCAT Review Consultation Paper  (13/7/09 - P) Please, go back to planning, get the lawyers out of it, and start healing rock-bottom public confidence  More...

MRRA Submission On Environmental Regulations (30/5/09 - SG)  We say, think about tomorrow, not just today More...

MRRA Submission On New State Residential Zones (30/5/09 - P)  Association stands up for rural areas  More...







"From the Vision Splendid to The Vision Sullied"

(25/6/05 - SP) A suburban, industrialized future for Macedon Ranges, home of Australian icons, Mount Macedon and Hanging Rock  More...

The Urban Conversion:  'Victoria In Future' Growth Projections and The Hidden Agenda For A Suburban Macedon Ranges

(29/4/05 - SP)  If you've been wondering why the State government hasn't delivered its seven year old promise to protect Macedon Ranges Shire, wonder no more.  More...










Reminder From Planning Backlash

(2/4/09 - P)  Are you looking at www.marvellousmelbourne.orgMore....



Community Groups In The Spotlight


Bendigo and District Environment Council Inc (BDEC) (26/4/05 - CC) More...


Bendigo Bushlinks (26/4/05 - CC)  More...


Central Coast (NSW) (10/6/06 - CCG)  Central Coast SOS Save Our Suburbs  More...


Getting Riddell Right (25/3/14 - CC)  More...


Macedon Ranges Wildlife Network (19/11/08 - CC) More...


Macedon Ranges Landscape Guardians & Victorian Landscape Guardians (7/8/05 - CCG) More...


Melbourne 2030 Portal (1/4/06 - CCG)  A Community Resource  More...


Planning Backlash (2/3/10 - CCG)  Planning Backlash is an "umbrella" for co-ordinated action by a wide range of groups across city, country and coast concerned with inappropriate planning in Victoria. www.marvellousmelbourne.org


Point Lonsdale Civic Association (10/3/06 - CCG) More...


Rural Residents' Rights Group, NT  (16/3/15 - CCG)   Another community group - this time in the Northern Territory - fighting for community rights and their environment. http://rrrg.org.au/


Save Our Suburbs (NSW) (10/6/06 - CCG) More...


Save Our Suburbs (Victoria) (9/10/13 - CCG)  More


Southern Peninsula Rural Protection Group [SPRPG] (21/10/06 - CCG) More people wanting to keep rural land RURAL, this time in Mornington Peninsula More...


Sunbury Conservation Society (31/1/06 - CCG) More...


Sunshine Residents and Ratepayers Association (21/6/09 - CCG) More...


Sustainable Population Australia (Victoria) [SPA] (12/9/06 - CCG)  SPA asks: Can Australia afford to just keep going on the growth spiral? More...


Victorian Coastal Alliance [VCA] (7/9/07 - CCG)  An alliance of community groups formed to protect Victoria's coastline. UPDATE 24/4/09 Latest Description and Objectives More...


Victorian Landscape Guardians (VLG) Give An Insight Into What They Stand For (3/7/06 - E)  "The landscape is a finite resource.  There is no more of it.   Things which are finite deserve our ultimate respect and we should do all in our power to protect them for future generations."   Randall Bell, President, Victorian Landscape Guardians. More...


Watershed (previously Your Water, Your Say) First Newsletter  (17/9/07 - CCG) Addresses processes (or lack of them) surrounding the proposed desalination plant on the Bass Coast  More...




Political comment on this website relating to elections is authorized by Louise Whitefield, Macedon Ranges Residents' Association Inc., 2 Dalrymple Road, Gisborne, 3437.

