(Last Updated 7/10/24)



Quick Links to Top Issues





* New / Action Required


2024 Macedon Ranges Shire Council Elections - Candidate Assessments *

2020 Macedon Ranges Shire Council Elections - MRRA Assessment of Candidates & Results

Gisborne Futures 

Kyneton Airfield Masterplan

State Government Rating System Review

Reforms to the Local Government Bill

Kyneton Movement Network Study

Rural Conservation Zone Survey

Council Watch - Ratepayers' Forum

Macedon Ranges 2019/2020 Budget

Kyneton Airfield Local Law 12 

Amendment C129 New Gisborne Business Park

Macedon Ranges Visitor Economy Strategy

The State Government Has Not Delivered The Protection It Promised Macedon Ranges

Macedon Ranges Landscape Assessment:  Deletes Statement of Planning Policy No. 8, doesn't do anything except for the most significant areas

Macedon Ranges Protection BulletinMRRA Calls PUBLIC MEETING - Macedon Ranges Localised Planning Statement

Macedon Ranges Protection Bulletin:  MRRA Assessment of Legislation and the Localised Planning Statement

Smart Planning: Reforming Victoria Planning Provisions

Smart Planning Intensive Animal Industries

Smart Planning: VicSmart and Victoria Planning Provisions

Local Government Act Review  2015 -




National Recognition for MRRA




2017/18 Council Budget

Shed at Woodend Racecourse Reserve  Equine Activities 2017

2017 Community Satisfaction Survey

Hanging Rock - Ed Sheeran  2017

Outcome of Rescission Motions 8 March  Equine Strategy 2017

New Council Survey: Community feedback for Council Plan.  What do you think is important?  2017

22 February 2017 Council Meeting - Cr. Jukes' motion to rescind deletion of the equine strategy and equine centre 

Domestic Animal Plan survey  2017

MRRA Report Last Council meeting of the term:  Mayor says what this council has done, can't be undone.  2016

Community Satisfaction Survey Results 2016

Kyneton Airfield Masterplan 2016



VEC Distributions and MRRA Summary of Vote Counting

Council FINAL election results

See nominated candidates in ballot paper order and their contact details for all wards

MRRA Candidate Assessments


VCAT Decision, Carlsruhe - Council employee not a credible or reliable witness  2016

Ombudsman's Report on Transparency in Local Government  2016

Council Meeting 16/12/15

Petition: Record Council Meetings  2015

Council's 2015/2016 Budget

Equine Centre  / Letchford email to MRRA  2015

Consultation Framework  2014

Hanging Rock Review (& MRRA's submission) 2017

Hanging Rock Review    /  Hanging Rock Shelters - Have Your Say

Hanging Rock Petition - delay funding expiry 2016

Hanging Rock Overdevelopment Proposal 2013-2014

Crisis In Macedon Ranges Shire (2012-2016 council):

15/9/16 VCAT 'Red Dot' Decision decision at Carlsruhe finds council employee is not a credible or reliable witness

2016 Community Satisfaction Survey Results Confirm Current Macedon Ranges Council Is A Failure

CEO's letter to MRRA / The Mayor's Relationship / Council's "PANTS ARE ON FIRE" / CEO has to go


Macedon Ranges Shire Council Elections, 2012 Results

Macedon Ranges' CEO Contract / Noel Harvey  2010



University of Melbourne Survey - Bushfire Arson and Crimestoppers 2017

VEAC Central West Area Public Land Investigation 2017

Climate change rally 2015

Environment Strategy 2015



Framework Plan - Kyneton South Investigation Area - Update: MRRA Submission 2017

Amendments C114 (Macedon) and C115 (Mount Macedon)  2017

Changes To The Bushfire Management Overlay

Macedon/Mt Macedon Design Guidelines  2016

Planning application: 29 dwellings at 22 Calthorpe Street Gisborne  2016

MRRA presentations to C98, C99, C100, C103, C105, C110 and Protection Advisory Committee hearings

Town Structure Plan Amendments: C98, C99, C100  2016

Amendment C107 Woodend Commercial Rezoning 2016

Woodend Structure Plan 2016

Mt. Macedon Village Centre Study 2016

Rural Living Strategy  Amendment C110  Council's plan for 4ha and 2ha subdivision across the south of the Shire  2015-2016

Coles Express  VCAT decision - refuse 2015

Kyneton Development Plan 240 sqm lots  2015

Riddells Creek Structure Plan / Supermarket  / Supreme Court Decision  2015

The Villawood / Golf Course Hill Woodend Saga

Macedon Development  2015

Amendment C92 Macedon/Mt. Macedon Restructure Overlay  2012-2015

The VCAT "Rozen" Decision:  Houses in Open Drinking Water Catchments  2010-2015

Amendment C84: Settlement Strategy / MSS 2015

Woodend Estates  2014

Romsey Pokies - VCAT Decision  2011

Gisborne AAMI Call Centre:  FOI reveals State govt interfered in planning process 2010



Plan Melbourne Refresh 2015 Discussion Paper

Landscape Assessment Study  2015

Rates Capping & Variation Framework  2015

Heritage Act Review  2015

State Election 2014

Draft (State) Planning Policy Framework (PPF)  2014

Loddon Mallee South Regional Growth Plan 2013


State-level Protection

State Protection - Advisory Committee Report Released by Minister  2017

Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Committee members:  names and biosheet 2016

Terms of Reference for Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Committee released  2016

Community Forum on State level protection 2015

MRRA Meeting With Minister for Planning 2015

Localised Planning Statement  Macedon Ranges Will Not Be Protected Before The State Election  /  Macedon Ranges Needs You!  2014

Keep Macedon Ranges Rural Macedon Ranges: Too beautiful to lose...



Hanging Rock Action Group    http://www.hrag.info/    https://www.facebook.com/HangingRockActionGroup  

Macedon Ranges Wildlife Network [MRWN]