Archive:  Petrol Stations

Last Updated  12/9/17



New  (12/9/17 - P)  Link to Settle Woodend's information sheet re the 2017 Woodend service station/convenience store/convenience restaurant application PLN/2017/103



Read the 2015 Coles Express VCAT decision 


Woodend Residents Win VCAT Case Against Coles Express Petrol Station

(24/12/15 - P)  VCAT says 'no, no, no, not like that Mr. Coles Express' - how sweet it is   Petrol Station file

As news broke last Tuesday (22/12/15) that Coles Express' appeal against Macedon Ranges Council's refusal of its application for a petrol station had been upheld at VCAT, Woodend (and other) residents rejoiced.  Coles Express proposed to put the petrol station on a pyramid-shaped, steep, small piece of land, currently occupied by an old house, pedestrian accesses between High Street and the Woodend station, and a lot of mature exotic trees.  To accommodate the petrol station, Coles Express ended up with a 4 metres high concrete wall facing the station access road.  Despite being proposed to be painted an array of green colours, and with climbing plants, VCAT found all were unacceptable, including the fact that there wasn't even enough room to plant climbers on the site and they would be on someone else's land.  A metre high fence proposed on top of the concrete wall only added to the problem.  The way the petrol station interacted with High Street and the remaining median strip was also criticized, and overall, the proposal was considered not appropriate in a key gateway location.   VCAT said these and other findings on urban design were sufficient to make a determination that a permit be refused, without visiting other issues including traffic.  Read the VCAT decision.


MRRA Says:

Brilliant.  What people were saying all along, but still totally brilliant.  Congratulations to Settle Woodend, and all who supported them and helped with the substantial funding needed. 


Coles Takes Woodend Petrol Station Refusal To VCAT

( 10/8/15 - P)  Details sketchy, but anticipate some form of action needed in September  a class="morered9" href="arc-petrol-stations.html">Petrol Station file

After waiting two months since Macedon Ranges Council refused its application for a very awkward, very ugly petrol station next to the railway station in Woodend, Coles Express has lodged an appeal at VCAT.  No further information is currently available.  Although Council has apparently been given notice of the appeal, it appears Woodend residents that objected to the proposal have not yet been given notice.   The latest is that objectors should receive notice by 12th August, and possibly a preliminary hearing at VCAT on 28th August. 






Coles - The Urban Surge

26/5/15 - pictures and plans