Posted 30/10/16  Updated 2/11/16



2016 Macedon Ranges Shire Council Election:

 Results, Vote Distribution & Statistics


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CHANGE IS HERE  some fresh faces - and fresh air - at last!  The bad news is Roger Jukes is re-elected.


Official Election Results :  Macedon Ranges Shire, 2016

in order of election

pdf of MRRA Results Summary All Wards

Note:  As no candidate achieved a quota on primary votes, all 3 vacancies were filled by distribution of preferences.


East Ward South Ward West Ward
West, Bill Mees, Mandi Anderson, Jennifer
Bleeck, Henry Twaits, Andrew Pearce, Janet
Gayfer, Natasha Radnedge, Helen Jukes, Roger


6 new councillors

5 women

4 men

Letchford, Hackett, Ellis: GONE, but unhappily Roger Jukes re-elected.




MRRA Summary of Vote Distribution and Counting

Information is sourced from VEC 2016 and 2012 election result distribution sheets


Note: As no candidate achieved a quota on primary votes, all 9 vacancies were filled by distribution of preferences.


East Ward


Formal Ballot Papers: 8,661  [7,747 in 2012]

Informal Ballot Papers:  459 (5%)  [260 / 3.25% in 2012]

Total Ballot Papers:  9,120  [8,007 in 2012]

Enrolment:  11,683  [10,887 in 2012]

Voter Turnout:  9,120 (78.06% of the total enrolment)  [8,007 (73.55% of the total enrolment) in 2012]

Quota:  2,166 (the number of votes needed to be elected)  [1,937 in 2012]


East ward: Primary (First Preference) Votes


Candidate Primary Vote %
West 1,563   18.05%
Gayfer 1,156 13.35%
Bleeck 1,113  12.85%
Rowan 1,007  11.63%
Roberts 829   9.57%
Neil 757  8.74%
Hackett 715  8.26%
Ellis 668  7.71%
Parolin 292 3.37%
Alford-Kerr 281 3.24%
Bick 280 3.23%


East ward:  MRRA Summary of how primary votes and preferences were distributed  (see also VEC official Excel distribution)


As no candidate achieved a quota,  Bick (280 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:   Parolin (301); Alford-Kerr (309);  Ellis (688);  Hackett (747);  Neil (775);  Roberts (850);  Rowan (1040);  Bleeck (1149);  Gayfer (1167);  West (1635).   


As no candidate achieved a quota, Parolin (301 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:   Alford-Kerr (335);  Ellis (710);  Hackett (768);  Neil (832);  Roberts (866);  Rowan (1080);  Bleeck (1186);  Gayfer (1199);  West (1685).   


As no candidate achieved a quota, Alford-Kerr (335 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:   Ellis (741);  Hackett (804);  Neil (855);  Roberts (887);  Rowan (1139);  Bleeck (1211);  Gayfer (1277);  West (1747).


  As no candidate achieved a quota, Ellis (741 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:   Hackett (919);  Neil (922);  Roberts (924);  Rowan (1242);  Gayfer (1352);  Bleeck (1383);  West (1919).


As no candidate achieved a quota, Hackett (919 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:   Roberts (1043);  Neil (1045);  Rowan (1376);  Gayfer (1462);  Bleeck (1585);  West (2150).


As no candidate achieved a quota, Roberts (1,043 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, with WEST elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:   Neil (1207);  Rowan (1578);  Bleeck (1678);  Gayfer (1908).  


West's surplus (124 votes) was distributed, going to Bleeck (50 / 40.3%), Neil (29 / 23.4%), Gayfer (27 / 21.8%) and Rowan (17 / 13.7%).


At this point, with WEST elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Neil (1236);  Rowan (1595);  Bleeck (1728);  Gayfer (1935).


As no other candidate achieved a quota, Neil (1,236 votes) was eliminated. 



South Ward


Formal Ballot Papers: 9,461  [8,155 in 2012]

Informal Ballot Papers:  359  (3.7%)  [484 / 5.6% in 2012]

Total Ballot Papers:  9,820  [8,639 in 2012]

Enrolment: 12,621  [11,490 in 2012]

Voter Turnout:  9,820 (77.81% of the total enrolment)  [8,639 (75.19% of the total enrolment) in 2012]

Quota:  2,366 (the number of votes needed to be elected)  [2,039 in 2012]


South ward: Primary (First Preference) Votes


Candidate Primary Vote %
Mees 2,254 23.82%
Twaits 1,780  18.10%
Mowatt 1,517  16.03%
Radnedge 1,454  15.37%
Letchford 965 10.20%
Amenta 757  8.00%
Byron 462  4.88%
Hosking 340  3.59%



South ward:  MRRA Summary of how primary votes and preferences were distributed  (see also VEC official Excel distribution)


As no candidate achieved a quota, Hosking (340 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Byron (501);  Amenta (775);  Letchford (1000);  Radnedge (1522);  Mowatt (1542); Twaits (1780);  Mees (2341). 


As no candidate achieved a quota, Byron (501 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, with MEES elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:   Amenta (800);  Letchford (1031);  Radnedge (1599);  Mowatt (1640); Twaits (1877). 


Mees' surplus (148 votes) was distributed, going to Radnedge (51 / 34.5%), Twaits (45 / 30.4%), Mowatt (22 / 14.9%) and Amenta (11 / 7.4%).


At this point, with MEES elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Amenta (811);  Letchford (1048);  Radnedge (1650);  Mowatt (1662); Twaits (1922). 


As no other candidate achieved a quota, Amenta (811 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, with MEES elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Letchford (1281);  Mowatt (1817);  Radnedge (1839);  Twaits (2155). 


As no candidate achieved a quota, Letchford (1,281 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, with MEES and TWAITS elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:    Mowatt (2275);  Radnedge (2296). 


Twaits' surplus (154 votes) was distributed, going to Radnedge (86 / 55.8%), and Mowatt (67 / 43.5%).



West Ward  


Formal Ballot Papers:  9,098  [8,087 in 2012]

Informal Ballot Papers:  354  (3.7%)  [228 / 2.74% in 2012]

Total Ballot Papers:  9,452  [8,315 in 2012]

Enrolment: 12,325  [11,335 in 2012]

Voter Turnout: 9,452 (76.69% of the total enrolment)  [8315 (73.36% of the total enrolment) in 2012]

Quota:  2,275 (the number of votes needed to be elected)  [2,022 in 2012]


West ward: Primary (First Preference) Votes


Candidate Primary Vote %
Anderson 1,977  21.73%
Jukes 1,549  17.03% @
Spielvogel 1,401 15.40%
Rutledge 1,363 14.98%
Pearce 1,255 13.79%
Torr 732 8.05%
Dodds 503 5.53%
Fisk 318 3.50%

@ Please note that a typo was found as follows:  Jukes 117.3%.  This has been corrected to Jukes 17.03%.


West ward:  MRRA Summary of how primary votes and preferences were distributed  (see also VEC official Excel distribution)


As no candidate achieved a quota, Fisk (318 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Dodds (540);  Torr (790);  Pearce (1301);  Rutledge (1399);  Spielvogel (1429);  Jukes (1592);  Anderson (2047).


As no candidate achieved a quota, Dodds (540 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Torr (841);  Rutledge (1455);  Spielvogel (1491);  Pearce (1543);  Jukes (1628);  Anderson (2140).


As no candidate achieved a quota, Torr (841 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, with ANDERSON elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Rutledge (1509);  Jukes (1686);  Spielvogel (1702);  Pearce (1810).


Anderson's surplus (116 votes) was distributed, going to Spielvogel (46 / 39.7%), Pearce (42 / 36.2%), Jukes (15 / 12.9%), and Rutledge (12 / 10.3%).


At this point, with ANDERSON elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Rutledge (1521);  Jukes (1701);  Spielvogel (1748);  Pearce (1852).


As no other candidate achieved a quota, Rutledge (1,521 votes) was eliminated. 

At this point, with ANDERSON elected, continuing candidates (votes held) were:  Spielvogel (2149);  Pearce (2253);  Jukes (2262).



Statistics: Changes Between 2012 and 2016


  2016 2012 2016 2012 2016 2012
Formal Ballot Papers:   8,661 7,747 9,461 8,155  9,098 8,087
Change 2012 - 2016 +914
Informal Ballot Papers:    459
Change 2012 - 2016 +199
Total Ballot Papers:   9,120 8,007  9,820 8,639 9,452  8,315
Change 2012 - 2016 +1,113
Enrolment:    11,683 10,887 12,621 11,490 12,325 11,335
Change 2012 - 2016 +796
+1.8% pa
+2.46% pa
+2.18% pa
Voter Turnout:  
(% of the total enrolment)  
Change 2012 - 2016 +1,113
Quota:  (the number of votes needed to be elected)  2,166 1,937 2,366 2,039 2,275 2,022
Change 2012 - 2016 +229