Posted 10/8/08



DPCD Community Satisfaction Survey 2008


Summary of Macedon Ranges results


This table shows the category, Macedon Ranges Shire's 2008 satisfaction rating, the % change from 2007, the rating scored by other Councils in the Large Rural Councils group in 2008 and % change from 2007, all Councils in 2008 and % change from 2007, key shifts in satisfaction levels, and key reasons why residents thought improvement is needed. 


Category Mac. Ranges Change Lge Rural Councils All Councils Key Shifts Key Reasons Why Improvement Is Needed
Overall performance 75% +2% 75%
2% more people thought Council did an excellent job while 2% fewer said "good".  3% fewer said improvement is needed but 1% more said a lot of improvement is needed.   Town planning policy and approvals
Local roads and footpaths
Communicating/ leading discussion with community
Make decisions despite community consultation/ don't listen to community
Advocacy 78% +4% 74%
3% more people said "excellent" while the number saying needs a lot of improvement stayed the same.  9% more people said "good" and 6% fewer said needs improvement. Don't represent the interests of the community,
Not doing enough/ need to lobby harder on local issues
Council does not make sufficient effort,
Not sure what Council does/ need to promote/communicate more effectively.
Community engagement 63% +4% 65%
2% more people said "excellent", 3% more said "adequate" but 2% more said a lot of improvement needed. Don't consult adequately/effectively/with entire community
Need to keep community better informed/communicate more
Need more community consultation/use consultants les/more public meetings
Don't listen/need to take more notice of community's wishes
Customer Contact 73% -1% 78%




4% more said "excellent" but 5% fewer said "good".  2% more said a lot of improvement is needed. Lack of follow up
Not interested in helping/ didn't take an interest/responsibility
Took too long to respond
Poor customer service/ need better communication/personal service
Local Roads & Footpaths 43% -6% 49%
2% fewer said "good" and 4% fewer said adequate while 6% more said a lot of improvement is needed. More frequent/better resurfacing of roads
More frequent/ better slashing of roadside verges
Improve/fix/repair uneven surface of footpaths
Improve standard of unsealed roads (loose gravel, dust, corrugations)
Health & Human Services 81% +3% 89%
3% more said "good", and 1% fewer said a lot of improvement was needed. More facilities/resources for Aged Care/better nursing homes
More funds/resources to reduce waiting lists for services
Increase resources for/availability of home help/meals on wheels
Improved/more childcare facilities/after school/holiday care
Recreational facilities 75% N/C 74%
5% more said "excellent" while 5% fewer said "good" while 1% more said improvement is needed. More/better sporting complexes (including pools)
Better maintenance of sporting facilities (including pools)
More/better sporting complexes and/or facilities in smaller towns
More facilities/activities for young people/teenagers
Appearance of Public Areas 79% -3% 79%
7% more said "excellent", 10% fewer said "good", 1% more said "adequate", while 4% more said improvement needed. Better maintenance of parks and gardensbr /> More frequent/better street cleaning
More frequent slashing/mowing of public areas/fire hazard
More frequent/better pruning of street trees/plants
Traffic Mgt and Parking Facilities 67% -12% 63%
9% fewer said "good", and 4% fewer said "adequate", while 8% more said improvement needed and 4% more said a lot of improvement needed. More parking facilities adjacent to shopping and business centresbr /> More parking facilities/capacity
Poor traffic/parking management
Improve traffic flow/congestion
Waste Mgt. 74% -1% 77%
3% more said "excellent", 6% fewer said "good" and 2% more said "adequate".  3% more said a lot of improvement needed. More consistent/lower fees for tips, etc (reintroduce vouchers)br /> No garbage collection
More comprehensive recycling program/no recycling program
Any/more frequent hard waste collection
Enforcement of Local Laws 76% -2% 77
2% more said "excellent", while 3% fewer said "adequate, and 1% more said improvement needed. Greater enforcement of animal local lawsbr /> Greater enforcement of fire prevention local laws to clean up properties
Greater enforcement of local laws generally/more local laws officers
Greater enforcement of fire prevention local laws
Economic Development 71% +4% 68%
3% more said "excellent", 2% more said "good", and 5% fewer said improvement needed More/better job creation programs/employment opportunitiesbr /> Encourage more tourism
Too little support for local businesses/new business/many closing down
Greater emphasis on economic development in general
Town Planning Policy & Approvals 46% +6% 57%
6% more said "good", 4% fewer said improvement needed and 2% fewer said a lot of improvement needed. Better planning policiesbr /> More efficient/faster approval processes
More consistent decisions
Too much residential subdivision
Ugly/inappropriate design/development/out of character with area