Posted 19/10/09  Updated 23/12/09


National recognition for MRRA &

MRRA to be included in Canberra's National Library Of Australia archive - in perpetuity!


and are we ever chuffed...





MRRA congratulates Malvern East Group [MEG] for also being recognised and included in the National Library of Australia.  Well done, MEG!


MRRA congratulates Carlton Residents' Association Inc [CRA] Malvern for also being recognised and included in the National Library of Australia.  Well done, CRA!




To say MRRA is delighted is an understatement - we haven't stopped grinning ear-to-ear yet! 



Media Release

National Recognition For Macedon Ranges Residents’ Association Inc

And Its Website


Macedon Ranges Residents’ Association Inc [MRRA] has been recognised at National level as part of Australia’s social history. 


The National Library of Australia [NLA] and State Library of Victoria [SLV] are currently archiving online publications they consider are of National significance.  Last week MRRA received a request from the State Library of Victoria for permission to add the Association and its website to the National Library of Australia’s online archives, in perpetuity. This means the Association’s website will be preserved and maintained permanently, including software and hardware updates as these change over time, to allow continued long-term access.  


The National Library will catalogue MRRA’s website and add the record to the National Bibliographic Database (shared by over 1,100 libraries nationwide).  The record will also be added to the State Library’s own online catalogue.


President Brian Whitefield said MRRA is absolutely delighted at receiving national recognition. “The Association has worked hard at State and local issues in recent years, and we are really proud of receiving this honour. Our little “home-grown” community website began in March, 2005 as a way of communicating with our members.  It has grown ever since, with an amazing number of hits.”  


Secretary Christine Pruneau said the request for permission to add MRRA to the National Library archives in Canberra came as a complete surprise.  “It seems our website was considered a ‘perfect example’ of a community website dealing with topical and controversial issues.  It also provides something of a local history of events in Macedon Ranges.  MRRA is a very active organisation, and has a heavy workload, including keeping the website up to date.  Somehow you forget the slog and the long hours when something as stunning as this comes along.  Suddenly it is all worthwhile, and it’s a great incentive to keep going and try harder.”


Brian and Christine don’t just see it as recognition of MRRA.  “We get a lot of help and feedback from the local community, so pat yourselves on the back too. True ‘community’ groups are an integral part of Australia’s social fabric, and we feel the recognition given to us also recognises the role played by other community groups like ours who are out there tackling important issues.  Our message to them is, never give up.”