Archive 3: MRRA Headlines
Last Updated 25/4/09
Macedon Ranges Residents Secretariat Ltd.
Age Newspaper Picks Up On Company Running For Council In Macedon Ranges (28/11/08 - C) "Progress is inevitable" - Fritz Boegel, Director of MRRS and South Ward candidate
MRRS Ltd 'Fair Go Independents' Clock Up Another $10,000 For 3 More Full Page, Full Colour Ads In Local Papers? (19/11/08 - M) Where's all the money coming from? Is 'Fair Go' a clue?
MRRS Ltd, East Ward: Is Morabito The Missing Man? (16/11/08 - C) Have two MRRS Ltd affiliates slipped under MRRA's radar?
The MRRS Ltd Circus Comes To Town (14/11/08 - C) Rootin', tootin', in-your-face and OTT? flags, big top, flyers, badges, trailers, posters, signs, caravans, colour-everything and lollies for kiddies. Crikey - seems the only things missing are the fat lady, sword swallower, calliope and clowns!!
Affiliate of MRRS Ltd Not Happy With MRRA (10/11/08 - C) Says being called a 'member' of MRRS Ltd defames him, will take matter further
The Secretariat Ltd's Long-Awaited Survey (29/9/08 - P) But the company's results don't tell us anything we didn't already know
The Egg Man Cometh: Macedon Ranges Residents Secretariat Ltd Director With Scientific Research Interests Turns Out To Be 'The Mt. Macedon Egg Man' (10/8/08 - M) Les Elliot was proponent of failed 2001 application for 'Research Centre' to keep 220 chickens in a Mt. Macedon conservation zone
Political Donations, Sponsorship And Influence (16/7/08 - SG) How do we know if our politicians, councillors or decisions have been bought? The short answer is, we don't.
Review of Association Rules (30/10/09 - M) Consultation draft for members now available
MRRA Goes 'National' (10/6/06 - P) It's getting bigger all the time...