Archive 3: Council Headline Archive
Last Updated 20/6/17
Crisis In Macedon Ranges Shire 2014
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute/Bowling Club
Occupational Health And Safety (2006)
Council Committees
Council Documents
Domestic Animal Management Plan
Council Elections
Council Election Bulletin Board (2005)
Council Finances
Council Issues
Council Projects & Services
Office Restructure - New Contact Details
Woodend Racecourse Reserve Shed
Council Standards
Minister for Local Government Says Councils Are OK
Community Satisfaction (2006)
New Residents
What Do You Value?
Good Move As Macedon Ranges Council Simplifies Its Email And Web Addresses (30/10/09 - C) Out with, in with
Councillors: General Performances See also Council Projects & Services CEO
Council Meeting On 16 December Didn't Disappoint - So, So, So Many Reasons To Sack And Investigate A Council ( 22/12/15 - C) What a farce our "local government" has become. Why are Macedon Ranges' residents still waiting for someone to take action? 16/12/15 Council Meeting Report
Some Outrageous Moves At Council Meeting 16 December Woodend: ALERT TO ALL RESIDENTS - It's A Full Agenda. And We Do Mean "Agenda". (13/12/15 - C) Structure Plan amendments, yet another new amendment (C109), Daly Nature Reserve, a massive subdivision proposal in Kyneton, Hanging Rock Environment Mgt Plan...
Cr. Letchford's Response to MRRA's Equine Centre Submission (13/4/15 - C) No obvious connection in the Councillor's harangue to the Local Government Act's Section 76BA (c) requirement for councillors to "treat all persons with respect and have due regard to the opinions, beliefs, rights and responsibilities of... other persons" Equine File
Council Rolls Out Its Next Economic Development Disaster - A Monster Equine-And-Everything-Else Centre - For Sham Consultation (22/3/15 - C) Macedon Ranges Council goes totally off with the pixies with an eye-wateringly over-the-top 'Equine' Centre that makes Council's Hanging Rock over-development and Rural Living Zone feeding-frenzy pale. Even Council's $95,000 Equine Centre Feasibility Study says financial risk is "significant". You have until April 2 to say 'NO THANKS' to this excessive and expensive fool's paradise. Equine file
Macedon Ranges' Last Defence Against Over-development Removed As Council Adopts Its Damaging Localised Planning Statement (1/10/14 - P) Outcome predictable, but Cr. Letchford 's derision of opposite community views went way past unacceptable LPS
Crisis at Macedon Ranges Shire Council (31/3/14 - C)
MRRA Calls For Community To Reject Council's Localised Planning Statement: It's Not Statement of Planning Policy No. 8, And It's Not The Protection The State government Promised Us (13/7/14 - P) Get to Council's "information session" on Monday July 14, 6.30 pm, Gisborne Council Chambers and inform Council you don't support this Localised Planning Statement... LPS file
Cr. Joe Morabito Resigns From Macedon Ranges Council (25/10/14 - C) Countback of Cr. Morabito's ballot papers, not a new election (by-election), will decide a replacement Councillor
The Good "People Of The Town Of No" Set The Record Straight (6/10/14 - P) Residents know it should be the Town of KNOW, not NO, you know... LPS file C89
Pigs Still Flying and Council Still Lying About Amendment C84 (1/10/14 - P) Adoption of Panel recommendations - Council's nose just keeps getting longer C84
Woodend Township Structure Plan - Cr. Letchford Rescission Motion (9/6/14 - P) Pressure sees Councillor withdraw motion to overturn adoption of the Structure Plan Woodend Structure Plan
Black Spot Funding at Straw's Lane (25/3/14 Update - C) Road Safety, Or A $186,000 Federally Funded Advantage For Council's Hanging Rock Proposal? MRSC in crisis
Bad Council Behaviour Sparks Community Rally, Wednesday 26 March, Gisborne (25/3/14 - C) Combined community action stirs against a Council that no-one likes
UPDATE The Macedon Ranges Shire's Mayor & Officer Relationship (aka The Mayor's Affair) (25/3/14 - C) Too close for ratepayers' comfort? UPDATE (12/5/14 - C) The CEO's letter to MRRA in response to this article
Rally Against Unacceptable Council Behaviour Sees Community Groups Unite (31/3/14 - C) Rally says: No confidence in CEO, call for Minister for Local Government to intervene MRSC in crisis Community action
Lancefield Park Community House (17/11/13 - C) Or rather, former Community House Lancefield Park house MRSC in crisis
Wooo... Crs. Sally Piper And Jennifer Anderson Go For it With Notices Of Motion For Tonight's Council Meeting At Gisborne (21/5/13-RA-C) But why do they even need to ask?
Council Spends OUR Money Changing OUR Website Then Tells Us About It After The Fact (23/4/13-RA-C) Official records removed, Shire logo and website content changed: was there any point at which Council thought the community should be consulted?
How, And Why, Was The Riddells Creek Supermarket Rescission Motion Refused? (23/4/13-RA-P) Is Council picking and choosing process to favour some over others? Is there even a "process" for rescission motions in Macedon Ranges anymore?
Kyneton Mechanics Institute: Refurbishment Cost Overruns Approved By Council (7/10/11 - C) It's not just cost over-runs, but what's being paid for, and how it's approved, that is of concern.
Planning Goes Backward As Council Abandons Planning Committee Meetings (22/5/11- C) Less accessibility, less light, less accountability is a recipe for returning to the dark days of the past
Gisborne AAMI Call Centre: FOI Reveals State Govt's Pivotal Role In 'Making It Happen' (14/11/10 - P) No honour, no transparency, no process, no democracy - in fact, no stone left unturned to get approval
Macedon Ranges' Council And Community Wins VCAT Decision On The Romsey Hotel Proposal: NO POKIES FOR ROMSEY! (19/11/09 - P) First the Supreme Court, and now VCAT, say social impacts and community well-being really, really do count Link
Basic Clarkefield: Push For Ad Hoc New Town By Cr. Geoff Neil Underscores Potential For Suburban Future (18/10/08 - SP) Needs to be more than just 'empty' land, Geoffrey
Council Votes To Call On The Minister For Planning To Introduce A RURAL ResCode (11/9/08 - P) Er, well done...
Council Decision On Green Waste Charges Shows No Leadership On Environment And Sustainability (2/4/09 - C) Disappointment continues as Council decides free green waste disposal is too expensive
Rates & Valuations: "Not Happy" Is The Message Starting To Filter Through... But Do You Know What You Can Do About It? (10/8/08 - C) And if you think the slug is bad this year, just wait...
Is It A First? A Controversial Council Budget Scraping Through On The Casting Vote Of The Mayor? (16/7/08 - P) Can we now say it really is Noel Harvey's pool?
Council 08/09 Budget: Drowning In Debt - What Council Didn't Tell You (24/6/08 - C) Is it back to the 'bad old days' of having to check every inch of a budget? Council's unannounced change to its accounting method for borrowings makes a terrible outcome look good. MRRA tackles the key points in its Budget Myths
Motion To Get Rid Of Kyneton Pool Goes Belly Up On 5 To 4 Vote (2/6/08 - C) But the "five" who support going ahead with the pool - Crs. Harvey, Connor, Bleeck, Relph and Neil - didn't have the courage to say why they voted the way they did. It gives new meaning to "silent majority" and some - many? - may think it pushes Macedon Ranges' democracy even further down the toilet
Macedon Ranges Council Brings The Roof Down - Literally! (12/7/07 - C) Was it the usual table thumping, clangers, hot air or overdose of testosterone? Is it a portent of things to come? Whatever, the roof literally fell on Council at last night's Council Planning Committee meeting
South Gisborne Residents Pressure Council Into NOT Selling Namnan Way Open Space (29/5/07 - C) Placards, kids and even a dog got the message across to 6 of our 9 Councillors
Roll Up, Roll Up - Get Your Subdivision Now. Macedon Ranges Council Is Giving Away Free Lots!!! (28/4/07 - P) Mmm... this one had almost everything - muddled meeting process (again), changing votes, outlandish statements, a couple of bombshells, and of course the usual 'blame someone else" and "throw the planning scheme out the window" events - and an old-fashioned land deal
Terrible Report Card For Macedon Ranges Council As VCAT Awards $4,500 Costs Against It (9/4/07 - P) A reasonable Council wouldn't have done it, says VCAT. Council comes a cropper and cops a caning - fundamental errors become yet another cost to this community
Confused Mayor Relph Supports Another House In A Rural Zone As Cr. Tom Gyorffy Tells Council It Is Undermining State Policy And It's Only A Matter Of Time Before The Minister Sacks Council (17/4/07 - C/P) Crs. McGregor, Connor, Relph and Neil think it's a good idea to use rich red dirt for residential purposes
Cr. Geoff Neil Pleads For Vote To Stop Medium Density In Romsey (17/4/07 - P) In the flip of a lip, the man who said the planning scheme's rural policies were "cobblers" begs for support for non-existent policy to save Romsey
2004/2005 Planning Permit Activity Report Now Out (9/4/07 - P) In 2004/05, planning permit applications in Macedon Ranges fell by 21% from 2003/04 (918 to 729) but that still means Macedon Ranges is a runner-up in the development stakes only to major rural cities and the metro area
Terrible Report Card For Macedon Ranges Council As VCAT Awards $4,500 Costs Against It (9/4/07 - P) A reasonable Council wouldn't have done it, says VCAT. Council comes a cropper and cops a caning - fundamental errors become yet another cost to this community
Cr. Geoff Neil Says Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme Is 'A Load Of Cobblers' (28/3/07 - P) East Ward Councillor demands to know what it will take for some Councillors to approve houses on rural land
"Pull Up The Drawbridge, Flood The Moat" - Council Dives Back Into The Bunker Of Behind Closed Doors 'Briefing' Sessions (30/9/06 - C) Seems some Councillors just can't cope without them
Crs. Gyorffy, Guthrie And McGregor Accuse Other Councillors Of Making "Secret" Council Decisions At Behind-Closed-Doors Briefing Sessions: "We Aren't Being Consulted About 'Council' Decisions" (12/9/06 - C) Council is dysfunctional, says Cr. Gyorffy - Council should operate in public so everyone knows, not make decisions at afternoon briefings behind closed doors
Cr. John Letchford Says 'Put The Gisborne Call Centre In The Gisborne Industrial Estate' (12/9/06 - P) Sounds easy, until you look at the planning scheme...
Three Councillors Oppose Adoption Of 26 July Council Meeting Minutes: Not True And Correct Record (28/8/06 - C) Is a 'confirmed minute' the same as an 'approved motion of Council'? The question still remains: are Council's 26 July decisions legal?
Macedon Ranges' Council: MRRA Asks Residents Is It Time For The State Government To Step In ? (22/8/06 - C) We live in a darkening democracy but the government won't act unless you say 'Enough'!
Councillors Walk Out As 'Recycleds' Revert To Type On Gisborne Call Centre: Door Slammed On Community - And Process (31/7/06 - P) 'Behind closed doors' is back with a vengeance but Crs. Gyorffy and Guthrie say they weren't going there
Council Reverses Dumb And Dishonourable Decision: Macedon's Honour Avenue May Now Live (3/7/06 - C) One knee-jerk decision follows another as majority of Councillors are shamed into changing their minds
Council In Uproar With Claim Of Recycled "Bullies" Trying To Take Control (30/5/06 - C) Cr. Tom Gyorffy calls for Mayor (Geoff Neil) and Crs Noel Harvey and John Letchford to resign
Councillors Say No To Native Vegetation Removal - All Except Councillor Letchford, That Is (19/4/06 - P) Seems the 'Rising Star' couldn't get off the ground this time on protecting our environment
'Recycled' Councillors Blame Residents For Disastrous Development At Helensville (19/4/06 - P) Cowardly but not necessarily unexpected finger-pointing as Councillors ignore the role they played
Council's Rescission Motion To Destroy Clarkefield Hall - Was It Legal? (9/5/06 - C) Process flaunted? Motion doesn't appear to meet Local Law requirements
Councillor Letchford Bites Back (18/3/06 - M) MRRA is the 'faceless few', he's the 'rising star' - see what else he says
Cr. John Letchford: Is He Breaking Promises - And Hearts? (10/3/06 - P) MRRA is confused by the mixed messages John is sending
Gisborne South Freeway Service Centre "Secret Deal" Proposal Made Public (23/12/05 - P) South Ward Councillor John Letchford goes for it, then against it
Council Meetings To Be The Next "Soapie" Success? (31/7/05 - C) Cr. Petrovich calls for costs and feasibility of video and tape recording of Council meetings
Local Resident Claims Councillor Gagged Petition Presentation (21/7/05 - C) Or was the Councillor simply following Council meeting rules?
Council Almost Goes With Another 'Exceptional' Decision (16/5/05 - C) On one of the rare occasions when our planning scheme says 'must', four Councillors seemed to think it wasn't right
Our Councillors (21/3/05 - C) Do Recent Performances Signal A Return To The 'Bad Old Days'?
Councillors: Kyneton Mechanics' Institute/Bowling Club
Kyneton Mechanics Institute: Refurbishment Cost Overruns Approved By Council (7/10/11 - C) It's not just cost over-runs, but what's being paid for, and how it's approved, that is of concern.
Kyneton Bowling Club: Objectors Speak Out About Council Attempting To Recoup Costs (8/9/06 - C) Letter from objectors puts their side of the story forward
Power To The People! Council To Settle Instead Of Sue On Kyneton Bowling Club Pokies Case (28/8/06 - C) Community concerns persuade some Councillors to have two-bob each way STOP PRESS: MRRA HAS NOW HAD CONFIRMATION THAT THE CASE HAS BEEN SETTLED BY CONSENT WITH BOTH PARTIES BEARING THEIR OWN COSTS
Macedon Ranges Hits "Rock Bottom" As Council Sues Community Over Kyneton Bowling Club Parking (15/8/06 - C) Hey, don't stop there: go after the reportedly $50,000 Council has spent keeping pokies out of Romsey as well!
Troubled Times For Ratepayers As Work Grinds To A Stop On Kyneton Bowling Club Project (31/7/06 - C) Is it Murphy's Law or the No Care, No Responsibility principle at work on this ill-fated development?
KMI Shock: Council Begins Works For Pokies But Minister for Planning Hasn't Signed Off On Lease (10/6/06 - C) Council has already torn down beautiful trees, torn up the children's playground and fenced the community out of the KMI reserve. But without a signed lease, where's the authority to start?
Residents - And Kyneton's Town Centre - Lose As VCAT Says There's Enough Parking For Pokies (9/5/06 - C) Kyneton Bowling Club and Council win but what does it mean for Kyneton's future?
Independent Parliamentarian Dianne Hadden Says "Tell VCAT Half A Decision Isn't Good Enough" (9/5/06 - SG) Kyneton pokies decision "A Black Day" for the town
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: Objectors Demonstrate Parking Chaos Is Kyneton's Future (1/4/06 - C) Kyneton Bowling Club not amused
Residents Lose As Council Again Supports 'Unsafe' Mechanics' Institute Parking In Kyneton (27/3/06 - C) Community says danger to children increased: tempers fray as Councillors say safer solutions are needed but 4 still vote for 'more accidents at lower speed' arrangement. Click here to see our report, along with last Friday's Macedon Ranges' Guardian article and proposed Council parking plan
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: Objectors' Complaint About Parking Upheld At VCAT (18/3/06 - C) Justice Morris orders hearing to address KMI parking shortage
VCAT Asked To Act On Kyneton Mechanics' Institute Development (25/2/06 - C) Supporters want planning permit conditions enforced
KMI To Go Ahead Despite Unsafe And Insufficient Parking (15/12/05 - C) Despite road safety risks and potential for big, extra costs to ratepayers, Crs. Neil, Letchford, Relph, Connor and Harvey say "Go ahead, we can fix it later..."
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute Recommended for National Heritage List (15/10/05 - C) But Council questions inclusion of library in listing
More Details About The "Reclaim Kyneton's Heart" Rally, Now To Be Held On October 15th (29/9/05 - C) Organizers say 'come along and be informed'
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: Support The "Reclaim Kyneton's Heart" Rally On 1st 15TH October (2/9/05 - C) Show you care
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: 230 Sign Up To Save Mechanics" Institute (12/9/05 - C) And counting...
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: Special Council Meeting 14th September 5.00pm (9/9/05 - C) Get your 'Say NO' signs out: Council to award construction tender for Bowling Club - even though heritage permit and lease aren't signed off yet!
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: Sign Up To Save Mechanics' Institute At Kyneton Farmers' Market 10 September (2/9/05 - C) Make a day of it at the Daffodil Festival!
Get Your Submission In To Protect Kyneton Mechanics' Institute (28/8/05 - C) Kyneton residents ask for your help to support Federal Heritage Listing Note: Submissions close 15th September UPDATE (2/9/05 - C) MRRA has had some more information come in about why the Kyneton Mechanics' Institute is incredibly important, and why you as an Australian should think about making a submission in support of National level heritage protection
Get Your Submission In To Protect Kyneton Mechanics' Institute (28/8/05 - C) Kyneton residents ask for your help to support Federal Heritage Listing Note: Submissions close 15th September
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute At Parliament House (22/7/05 - C) Objectors claim meeting a success
Macedon Ranges' Ratepayers Forfeit $25,000 To Subsidize Pokies as Council Leases Public Land To Kyneton Bowling Club (27/6/05 - C) 150 - 200 objectors vow to change Councillors as six to two vote 'kills' the heart of Kyneton. Planning Minister Hulls will now make final decision on the lease. Will he stand up for a demonstrated community desire to keep public land for public use, or will he back Council and the pokies?
Rumours That Kyneton Mechanics' Institute Could Be A Done Deal (14/6/05 - C) Is Minister Set To Sign?
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: Action At Parliament House 11.30am Wednesday 20th July (14/7/05 - C) Be there to show you care about saving Kyneton's heart
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: CALL TO MACEDON RANGES' RESIDENTS - Show of Community Opposition And Solidarity Needed as Council Decides Wednesday 22nd on Lease for Bowling Club Takeover of Public Land (17/6/05 - C) If it can happen in Kyneton, it can happen anywhere
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute Get Submissions On Council's "Intention To Lease" In By June 7th (31/5/05 - C) Have your say about Council leasing public land for private enterprise in the heart of Kyneton
Mechanics' Institute: 'Hold Hands' for Kyneton Town Centre 28 May, 10 am (22/5/05 - C) Call for community support to reclaim Kyneton's heart
Info Evening Kyneton Mechanics' Institute Development Plans, 16th June (12/5/05 - C) Council to run public information session
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: (27/4/05 - C) Newly Independent MLC Dianne Hadden Speaks In Parliament for Suspension of Macedon Ranges Council
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: (13/4/05 - C) Is Public Interest Being 'Bowled Over' By Private Enterprise?
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: (13/4/05 - C) Upcoming Community Forum 28 April
Kyneton Mechanics' Institute: (13/4/05 - C) Community Opposition To Takeover of Public Land - Meeting Tomorrow Thursday 11 am
Councillors: Macedon Honour Avenue Trees
Council Reverses Dumb And Dishonourable Decision: Macedon's Honour Avenue May Now Live (3/7/06 - P) One knee-jerk decision follows another as majority of Councillors are shamed into changing their minds
Councillors: Mayor & Deputy Mayor
Graham Hackett Is Macedon Ranges Shire's 2016 Mayor (24/11/15 - C) John Connor is Deputy Mayor. John Letchford is bereft.
Jennifer Anderson Is Elected Macedon Ranges Mayor (20/11/14 - C) A competent, honest - female - long shot gets up. Don't expect miracles - it still takes 5 votes to make positive change, and until now they haven't been there
Forget the Stones! This Is The 2014 Entertainment Event of The Year: Election Of Next Macedon Ranges Mayor (10/11/14 - C) Wednesday 19th November 7.00pm, Gisborne Shire Office
The Macedon Ranges Shire's Mayor / Officer Relationship 25/3/14 - C Too close for ratepayers' comfort?
Change At Council As McLaughlin Misses Out On Mayor (16/11/12 - C) Jukes / Mowatt are selected instead
Election Of Macedon Ranges Mayor For 2012 (24/12/11 - C) Will 2012 be better or worse than 2011?
Macedon Ranges' Mayor For 2010 Is Cr. Rob Guthrie (11/12/09 - C) Cr. Henry McLaughlin Is Deputy Mayor
Election Of Macedon Ranges' Mayor On Wednesday 10th: Will It Signal A New Era? (10/12/08 - C) Dear God, bless this Shire with an independent Mayor who hasn't sold their soul to get there...
There's Change In The Air In Macedon Ranges As Letchford Becomes Mayor With Guthrie As Deputy (16/12/08 - C) Who would have thunk it!
No Surprises But No Confidence Either In 'Election' Of Mayor (9/12/07 - C) Seven Councillors vote for Noel Harvey, two vote for Rob Guthrie
Next Mayor To Be "Elected" Tomorrow, 5th December (4/12/07 - C) Don't we wish...
Helen Relph Is 'Crowned' Mayor For 2007 After A Split 5 to 4 Vote (10/12/06 - C) Cr. Noel Harvey has 'lady-in-waiting' role of Deputy Mayor as Cr. Tom Gyorffy warns Council a Deputy Mayor has no legal standing or authority
"Vote" For Next Mayor Scheduled For Wednesday 6th December At Kyneton, 5.00pm (1/12/06 - C) Off to a bad start - 5.00pm time doesn't impress - and that's before the anticipated circus antics and sham democracy begin...
Mayor Geoff Neil Does It Again (12/7/06 - C) Drops 'dandy' clanger on 'Yankee Doodle' day
MRRA Calls For Macedon Ranges' Mayor To Resign (11/3/06 - C) MRRA says: "This Shire desperately needs a leader (and Councillors) with vision. The Mayor's comments are seriously out of step with current thinking and put Council in conflict with its own planning scheme and community values (e.g. Vision 2025). They shame Macedon Ranges and in MRRA's view are completely out of order. Cr. Neil should resign as Mayor immediately." Call to residents to tell Council they don't support the Mayor's comments and want rural land protected
As Predicted, 'Old Timer' and 'New Chum' Get Mayor and Deputy Mayor (10/12/05 - C) But not without a split vote
The Heat's On As New Councillors Sort Out Numbers For Mayor's Job (2/12/05 - C) Hold the testosterone! What we want to know is will it be decided by a public 'show of hands'?
Councillors: Occupational Health & Safety
Changed Occupational Health and Safety Laws Expose Councillors To Personal Liability (1/3/06 - C) Yet most Macedon Ranges' Councillors seem to think it doesn't apply to them
Councillors: Sack Council 2006
Macedon Ranges' Council: MRRA Asks Residents Is It Time For The State Government To Step In ? (22/8/06 - C) We live in a darkening democracy but the government won't act unless you say 'Enough'!
Councillors: Former Mayor Noel Harvey
Former Mayor Noel Harvey: Latest Developments On Macedon Ranges' CEO Contract (21/8/09 - C) Local politician and current Mayor stand up for good governance
Concerns Over Macedon Ranges' CEO Contract Deepen As Noel Harvey Hits Out At Former Councillor Colleagues (22/7/09 - C) Harvey admits signing dubious CEO contract but claims lack of Council seal is an 'administrative oversight' - response from former councillor colleague refutes Harvey's claims - story picked up Sunday Herald Sun - expanded by Glen Eira Residents' blog
Ex-Macedon Ranges' Mayor Noel Harvey Could Be On The Move (30/5/09 - SG) Two new appointments to two important State-level positions?
Councillors: Cr. Joe Morabito
MRRA Lodges Formal Complaint About Cr. Joe Morabito (21/8/09 - C) Association says Councillor's behaviour steps over what is tolerable
Conduct Unbecoming: Has Morabito Gone Too Far? (22/7/09 - C) Councillor turns on MRRA, but in reality it's also an attack on all residents
Absolute Shocker As Council Appoints MRRS Ltd Director To Audit Advisory Committee (12/3/09 - C) Rejected by voters, but Fritz Boegel makes it onto Council committee via a vote held behind closed doors, and then Council unanimously approves a contested application to expand the Clock and Beaver restaurant
Council Calls For Community Nominations for Environment Committee (21/6/07 - C) 3 vacancies exist, and nominations close by 29th June
Council Documents
Documents: Agribusiness Strategy
Comments Called For On Council's Draft Agribusiness Plan - Written Submissions Close Friday 10 May 2013 (23/4/13-RA-C) Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?
Documents: Bushland Management Plans
Draft Bushland Management Plan Is On Exhibition - Submissions Close 26 April 2013 (23/4/13-RA-E) Four management plans - to protect ecological values and maintain low-impact recreation - are available for comment
Documents: Communications Plan 2007
Council's Draft Communications Strategy Out For Comment Until 27 April (9/4/07 - C) Call for comment from 'interested members of the community'... That should be YOU
Documents: Consultation Framework
Council's Less-Not-More-For-Community Consultation Framework Sails Through Council With Minor Change (24/12/14 - C) Council will now re-think charging residents to obtain copies of documents it puts out for exhibition/comment
Council's Less-For-Community Consultation Framework Up for Decision Wednesday 17th December (16/12/14 - C) It's less about what consultation the community can count on, more about a Council 'memo-to-self' (MRRA Submission)
On Guard: Council's "Review" Of Its Infrequently-Used And Poorly-Implemented Community Consultation Framework Out For Exhibition (10/11/14 - C) First thing to check of course is if Council can even spell 'consult' correctly, 'cos it sure don't know how to do it. Amid the bells and whistles approach, beware attempts to weaken the existing consultation framework to match Council's appalling consultation practices...
Residents Asked To Comment On How Council Consults The Community (29/6/10 - C) Framework out for inspection, comments sought by July 18
Documents: Council Plan
Draft Council Budget And Council Plan Out For Community Comment Until 26 June (30/5/09 - C) Get your copy now
Second Year Of 2006 - 2010 Council Plan Out For Comment (17/4/07 - C) Update: Submissions to be in by 30 April, 2007 (9/4/07 - C) It sets out how Council will spend our money, and what it proposes to achieve, in the coming year
Second Year Of 2006 - 2010 Council Plan Out For Comment (9/4/07 - C) It sets out how Council will spend our money, and what it proposes to achieve, in the coming year
Council Calls For Public Input On "Council Plan" by 6 June (9/5/06 - C) Formerly the Corporate Plan, it's the 'dominant planning and vision-setting tool' for the Shire for the next 4 years. You really do need to read and comment on this critically important document
Documents: Domestic Animal Management Plan
Council Is Looking For Community Feedback On Preparing A New Domestic Animal Management Plan (17/3/17 - C) Survey and submissions. Time for comment closes 10 April
Documents: Economic Development Strategy
MRRA Makes Submission On Council's Economic Development Strategy (21/8/09 - C) Room for improvement...
Council Economic Development Strategy On Exhibition, Submissions Invited Until 19 August (22/7/09 - C) Information meetings to be held 27 July and 10 August in Woodend
Documents: Housing Strategy
Council's Draft Housing Strategy 2007 Is Out For Comment Until December 22 (14/11/06 - P) Critically important, this hefty document identifies housing needs until 2031 but hey, when do the people get to have a say about how much growth?
Council's Draft Housing Strategy: Community Meetings This Week 12th, 14th and 17th (10/12/06 - P) Presentation will explain it all, says Council
Documents: Local Laws
Macedon Ranges' Local Law Is Being 'Reviewed', On Exhibition Until June 30 (6/5/13 - RA- C) Uh-oh. What are they up to now?
Documents: Natural Environment Strategy
Council Is Preparing A New Environment Strategy - 'Drop-Ins' 11, 18 and 24 August, 5.30 - 7.00pm (10/8/15 - E) With a Council that puts environment last, it's going to be up to you to get this critical issue 'up front and centre'. Get involved. Environment Strategy file
Council's Environment Strategy Out For Comment Until April 7 (2/4/09 - C) Make sure you have your say...
Documents: Pokies Policy
Council's New Pokies Policy Out For Public Comment Until 29 August (10/8/08 - C) Replaces 2002 Policy
Council Elections
Information Session On Review Of Macedon Ranges' Electoral Arrangements 20 July (19/7/11 - C) Does the way we elect our Councillors work for you? Do you think it should be changed? Here's your chance to have a say...
State Government Seeks Public Comments On Local Government Electoral Review Recommendations (Comments Close November 3) (1/10/14 - C) Stage 1 (41 recommendations) and Stage 2 (14 recommendations) to improve Council election processes and accountability
2012 Macedon Ranges Candidates and Contact Details
Have Your Say On The Recent Council Election Process (16/11/12 - C) Victorian Electoral Commission [VEC] Survey Thinking About Running For Council? Curious About Who Is? (28/7/12 - C) Then drop in on Council's Election Information Session: Tuesday 14 August. 6.30pm, Gisborne Administration Centre
Absolute Shocker As Council Appoints MRRS Ltd Director To Audit Advisory Committee (12/3/09 - C) Rejected by voters, but Fritz Boegel makes it onto Council committee via a vote held behind closed doors, and then Council unanimously approves a contested application to expand the Clock and Beaver restaurant
2008 Macedon Ranges Council Election: Preference Distribution (16/12/08 - C) See how the Councillors got elected
No Change After West Ward Recount: Original Result To Stand, Noel Harvey Loses (3/12/08 - C) Attempts to get changed outcome fail - Henryka Benson is successful candidate
Noel Harvey Challenges Result In West Ward, First Informal Votes, Now Full Recount Of Votes (2/12/08 - C) Seems no stone to be left unturned to get Noel re-elected
Attention Newly Elected Councillors: Changes You Need To Be Aware Of (28/11/08 - C) VLGA advice on things you need to know, and announcement of VLGA tally room for election count
Age Newspaper Picks Up On Company Running For Council In Macedon Ranges (28/11/08 - C) "Progress is inevitable" - Fritz Boegel, Director of MRRS and South Ward candidate
MRRS Ltd "Fair Go" Team Spends More Advertizing Dollars, Thumps The Pulpit, Polishes Haloes, And Offers Written Guarantee (25/11/08 - C) And the guarantee is worth... what? Bah, humbug and buyer beware! If anyone had any balls here, the offer would be "money back if the product doesn't work"
Out-Going Mayor Tries To Snatch Macedon Ranges' Million For Kyneton Pool (25/11/08 - C) Just as MRRA predicted, this white elephant will consume all of the resources of the Shire
Local Government Victoria's Interpretation Of "Misleading and Deceptive" Suggests Loophole In Legislation (24/11/08 - C) How do you trust what people say?
Riddells Creek Sustainability Group Surveys East Ward Candidates (20/11/08 - E) " Vote For Sustainability": responses to sustainability issues
Complaint Against MRRA Made To VEC (19/11/08 - C) "Misleading and defamatory statements"
How Does Your Vote Count? (14/11/08 - C) In Macedon Ranges, the Senate-style proportional vote count is used. That means preferences are everything.
Macedon Ranges' Council Election Preferences: Where Candidates' Preferences Are Going (14/11/08 - C) A bit of analysis on where candidates' are sending their preferences reveals some clear allegiances, and some equally clear divides. White hats and black hats, anyone?
Threats And Whines Come As MRRA Star Ratings Roll Out (14/11/08 - C) Hey, guys, there's no point trying to shoot the 'messenger'
Local Government Ruling On Misleading Literature (14/11/08 - C) MRRA's complaint brushed off
Ode To A Rural Macedon Ranges (14/11/08 - C) MRRA's Star Rating flyer
Another Complaint To MRRA (14/11/08 - C) 'Deceptive and misleading' this time
MRRS Ltd 'Fair Go Independents' Clock Up Another $10,000 For 3 More Full Page, Full Colour Ads In Local Papers? (19/11/08 - M) Where's all the money coming from? Is 'Fair Go' a clue?
MRRS Ltd, East Ward: Is Morabito The Missing Man? (16/11/08 - C) Have two MRRS Ltd affiliates slipped under MRRA's radar?
The MRRS Ltd Circus Comes To Town (14/11/08 - C) Rootin', tootin', in-your-face and OTT? flags, big top, flyers, badges, trailers, posters, signs, caravans, colour-everything and lollies for kiddies. Crikey - seems the only things missing are the fat lady, sword swallower, calliope and clowns!!
Affiliate of MRRS Ltd Not Happy With MRRA (10/11/08 - C) Says being called a 'member' of MRRS Ltd defames him, will take matter further
MRRS Ltd Makes Its Move - South Ward Swamped By Company's Candidates (3/11/08 - C) And we think we know why...
"I Have A Dream": Let's Elect A Council We Can Be Proud Of, Says MRRA, As It Announces It Will Again Rate Candidates At The November 2008 Council Election (14/10/08 - C) Dare to imagine excellence instead of mediocrity!
Macedon Ranges SLG To Hold Question And Answer Session (14/10/08 - C) Nominating Councillors to be quizzed in Woodend 11 November
Council Elections: Community And Candidate Information Session, Romsey 18 September (11/9/08 - C) Municipal Association of Victoria to inform potential candidates
Political Donations, Sponsorship And Influence (16/7/08 - SG) How do we know if our politicians, councillors or decisions have been bought? The short answer is, we don't.
New Website To Inform People Who Want To Run For Council (9/6/08 - C) Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) launches "Stand For Council" website
Is Cr. Henry Bleeck About To "Go West"? (28/8/07 - C) Signs are emerging Henry that might be thinking about switching from the East ward to the West ward at next year's Council election
Cr. Donna Petrovich Gets Second Spot On Liberal Party Ticket for 2006 State Upper House Elections (17/10/05 - C) Still no word on whether Ms. Petrovich will seek re-election on Council though...
Macedon Ranges' Council Elections (10/8/05 - C) Candidate kits and dates for nomination of candidates and postal vote ballot mail out now available
Council Candidates' Information Night in Woodend 18th October (17/10/05 - C) Victorian Electoral Commission to explain electoral system changes to possible candidates
"Women in Local Government" Forum Monday 19th September (2/9/05 - C) If you are a woman interested in running for Council, or supporting someone else to run, or you are just curious about what's involved, you should attend this forum
Another Form Reversal As Councillors Tell Macedon Ranges' Voters To 'Post It!' (12/6/05 - C) Most councillors go with cheaper, Councillor-convenient and potentially flawed option of Postal Voting for next Council election
Councillor 'Jumps Ship' on Attendance Voting (28/4/05 - C) It seems 'flip-flops' aren't confined to the State and Federal political arena
Council Election Bulletin Board (2005)
The Heat's On As New Councillors Sort Out Numbers For Mayor's Job (2/12/05 - C) Hold the testosterone! What we want to know is will it be decided by a public 'show of hands'?
Sporting Shooters' Association (SSAA) Backs Sandra McGregor and Henry Bleeck (16/11/05 - C) Says these candidates will support Shooters' Association interests in Council
'Leader' Doesn't Deliver Its Promised Retraction (16/11/05) So much for trust, honour and integrity - and self-regulation
MRRA Lodges Formal Complaint With VEC Against Leader Newspaper (11/11/05 - C) Facts not checked, statement not true
Candidate Star Ratings: MRRA Fact Sheet (11/11/05 - C) The critics are howling but most don't seem to have read what we said
Is This Council Election Turning Into A 'Dirty' Fight? (11/11/05 - C) Vandalism, unlawful signs and notices and 'tit-for-tat' dobbing seem to be becoming a feature of this election
Disappointment at Riddells Creek 'Meet The Candidates' Night (1/11/05 - C) Is there an election on? Only 4 of 7 candidates attend
Council Finances (Issues)
Finances: Budget & Rates
Council's 2015/16 Budget: A Mountain of Debt and a Deteriorating Financial Position (25/5/15 - C) Make a submission before 11am on 29 May, and send copies to Mary-Anne Thomas, the Minister for Local Government, and Councillors.
Council Set To Launch 2015/16 Budget, Council Plan and Strategic Resource Plan - and another almost 5% rate rise (28/4/15 - C) Special Council Meeting tomorrow night (29/4/15) 7.00pm, Gisborne Shire Offices to endorse exhibition of budget documents
Council Plan, Budget, Strategic Resource Plan, Councillor Allowances and Land Sales Are On Exhibition: If You Are Happy With $10 - $14 Million Debt, 7% Rate Increases, Executive Decision-Making And A New Shire "Vision" You Weren't Consulted About, Do Nothing. (6/5/13 - RA - C) Somewhere in the dark corners of Council, someone's making decisions that spiral rates and debt, make the Shire a population and economic growth centre, and implement the draft Loddon Mallee South Regional Growth Plan - without telling us. Be Alarmed. Submissions close Midday on May 31
Local Government Procurement "Roadmaps" Introduced (11/7/11 - C) A new (improved?) way for Councils to spend our rates on what we need. We'll see...
More Funding For Macedon Ranges (21/8/09 - C) Tourism this time
Macedon Ranges Shire Gets $947,000 From Federal Govt (19/11/08 - FG) That's two pieces of good news: that we are getting it, and it doesn't look like it can be spent on the Kyneton pool
Auditor General Warns Councils To Rein In Spending: Expenditures Exceed Revenue (14/11/08 - C) Not good news for those in Macedon Ranges who think it's OK to run Council deep into debt for the Kyneton pool
Industrial Relations Commission's Decision: Council Performances Condemn Ratepayers To More Expense (29/9/08 - C) $40,875 awarded to unfairly dismissed Shire employee, and it may not stop there
Rates & Valuations: "Not Happy" Is The Message Starting To Filter Through... But Do You Know What You Can Do About It? (10/8/08 - C) And if you think the slug is bad this year, just wait...
Is It A First? A Controversial Council Budget Scraping Through On The Casting Vote Of The Mayor? (16/7/08 - P) Can we now say it really is Noel Harvey's pool?
Council 08/09 Budget: Drowning In Debt - What Council Didn't Tell You (24/6/08 - C) Is it back to the 'bad old days' of having to check every inch of a budget? Council's unannounced change to its accounting method for borrowings makes a terrible outcome look good. MRRA tackles the key points in its Budget Myths
Is The Sky The Limit For Council's Costs In Its Fight Against A Charge Of Unfair Dismissal? (11/3/08 - C) Help! Has anyone got the facts?
Council's 2007 / 2008 Draft Budget Is Now Available For Comment: Some Good And Some Bad. The Really Ugly Part Is The Poor Consultation Process (21/6/07 - C) There's both give and take - the general rates increase at around 6% is lower than last year (though it's still going up), but hooee, take a look at Council debt! Submissions close 3 July
Council Continues (Unbudgeted) Spending Spree - At Least $200,000 More Sent To Next Year's Budget (12/9/06 - C) Shire will need to win Tattslotto if Councillors keep spending at this rate...
Romsey Hub Almost A Goer (12/9/06 - C) Council just has to find the money to finish buying the land
Splish-Splash - Council Finances Go Crash As 'Usual' Councillors Go For Kyneton Indoor Pool (28/8/06 - C) If you pay rates in Macedon Ranges, you should be afraid
8 to 1 Vote As Council Adopts 2006/2007 Budget And 8.91% Rate Hike (16/7/06 - C) A glimmer of long-term hope for pensioners as some Councillors say budget must be done differently next year - with one notable exception
Council Defers Budget Adoption: Will Consider Public Submissions (9/7/06 - C) Council gets one pat on the back for deferring, but there's two pats in it if Council actually listens to what submissions say...
Back to 2001 As Macedon Ranges Residents Face 8.91% Rate Hike (20/6/06 - C) Council Budget out for community comment until 4th July - meetings coming up
Finances: Councillor Allowances
Minister For Local Government Announces 30% Increases In Councillor Allowances (14/4/08 - C) And that's not all... More...
Councillor Allowance Increases: It's Taxation Without Representation - MRRA Says Let Ratepayers Decide 'How Much' (3/3/08 - C) The 'Big Boys' are treating ratepayers like mushrooms. No wonder our Council has decided to 'go with the flow'...
Local Government Proposals To Give Councillors A Massive Pay Rise - You Just Can't Be Serious! (28/8/07 - C) Big push to tie Councillor remuneration to State pollies' pay will see ratepayers well out of pocket - again
"Pinball Wizard" Performances As Councillors Go With Top Dollar For Councillor Allowances (10/6/06 - C) Silence reigns during MRRA's presentation and the decision
MRRA Submission On Councillor Allowances: Reduce Mayoral Allowance And Redefine Mayoral Role (15/5/06 - C) More openness, accountability, transparency and consultation please
Have Your Say On Councillor Allowances: Be Quick, Submissions Close May 12 (9/5/06 - C) What do you think your Mayor and Councillors are worth? They are about to set their allowances for the next 3 years so if you have something to say, say it now!
Finances: Essential Services Commission
Essential Services Commission Releases Local Government Reporting Framework (8/8/10 - SG) Also, latest ESC newsletter and next consultation details (for councils)
Finances: Productivity Commission
MAV : "Productivity Commission confirms some councils require additional funding support" (22/4/08 - C) Hallelujah! Productivity Commission's findings also recognize capped funding to Councils by other levels of government for Councils to provide services on behalf of other levels of government isn't enough
Time Is Closing For You To Sign The Local Petition Calling For Macedon Ranges Council To Audio Record Its Meetings ( 2/11/15 - C) Cut off date for returning signatures is November 13 Petition File
Council Meeting Dates 2013 / 2014: More Than The Dates Have Changed!! (9/4/13-RA-C) Can anyone remember when WE agreed to almost all Council meetings being held in Gisborne?
Planning Goes Backward As Council Abandons Planning Committee Meetings (22/5/11- C) Less accessibility, less light, less accountability is a recipe for returning to the dark days of the past
Last Council Meeting Of 2008 : Wednesday 17th December, 7.00 pm, Woodend Community Centre (16/12/08 - C) Go along and watch the new council at work... Braemar is on the agenda
Council Ward Meetings June - September 2008 (31/8/08 - C) Next scheduled ward meeting is Wednesday 17 September 2008 - Kyneton Administration Centre 7.00pm
28 November Council Meeting Start Time Changed (20/11/07 - C) Residents are asked to please note change
Council Ward Meetings Are Coming To A Town Near You (Next Meeting: Wednesday 17 October, 7pm at Lauriston, venue TBA) (23/7/07 - C / Updated 20/9/07) Next round of ward meeting dates announced. Your chance to find out who your Councillors are, and have a say in what happens in your town/area
Council Changes Meeting Starting Times - Again (17/9/07 - C) All regularly scheduled meetings (Ordinary Council, Planning, and General Purpose) will now start at 7:00pm
Change of Council Meeting Venue (28/8/07 - C) General Purposes Meeting on 5th September will now be held in Gisborne
Council Makes Big Changes To The Coming Year's Council Meeting Schedules (29/5/07 - C) Two become one, later starts, evening briefings for Councillors, Gisborne becomes planning headquarters...
Council Meeting Dates (includes changes to times and locations) (29/5/07 - C) June 2007 - June 2008
Council Ward Meetings Are Coming To A Town Near You (31/3/07 - C) Update 29/5/07 Your chance to find out who your Councillors are, and have a say in what happens in your town - next scheduled meeting is in Lancefield 20 June, Mechanics' Institute
Projects & Services: Daly Reserve / Early Years Hub
Some Outrageous Moves At Council Meeting 16 December Woodend: ALERT TO ALL RESIDENTS - It's A Full Agenda. And We Do Mean "Agenda". (13/12/15 - C) Structure Plan amendments, yet another new amendment (C109), Daly Nature Reserve, a massive subdivision proposal in Kyneton, Hanging Rock Environment Mgt Plan... Council & Councillor Performances File
UPDATE Friends of Daly Nature Reserve Haven't Gone Away (23/9/14 - C) Message from Friends of DNR: events, celebrations, corrections
Daly Nature Reserve (28/5/14 - C) Environmental Management Plan and associated Documents
Working Bee at Gisborne's Daly Reserve 28 April (23/4/13-RA-P) Amazing environmental finds, and now the work starts to protect this important nature reserve
How, And Why, Was The Riddells Creek Supermarket Rescission Motion Refused? (23/4/13-RA-P) Is Council picking and choosing process to favour some over others? Is there even a "process" for rescission motions in Macedon Ranges anymore?
Early Years Hub, Daly Reserve, Gisborne (17/10/12 - C) How to impress no-one. Read the report...
Projects & Services: Equine Centre
Cr. Letchford's Response to MRRA's Equine Centre Submission (13/4/15 - C) No obvious connection in the Councillor's harangue to the Local Government Act's Section 76BA (c) requirement for councillors to "treat all persons with respect and have due regard to the opinions, beliefs, rights and responsibilities of... other persons"
Council Rolls Out Its Next Economic Development Disaster - A Monster Equine-And-Everything-Else Centre - For Sham Consultation (22/3/15 - C) Macedon Ranges Council goes totally off with the pixies with an eye-wateringly over-the-top 'Equine' Centre that makes Council's Hanging Rock over-development and Rural Living Zone feeding-frenzy pale. Even Council's $95,000 Equine Centre Feasibility Study says financial risk is "significant". You have until April 2 to say 'NO THANKS' to this excessive and expensive fool's paradise.
Projects & Services: Garbage Collection
Gung-Ho 6-to-3 Decision Forces Council Garbage Collection On Bullengarook, Gisborne & Gisborne South (13/6/07 - C) Councillors ignore community's 'no' to deliver someone else's agenda
Projects & Services: Green Waste
Council's New Garden Waste Bins Roll Out (7/10/11 - C) Good idea, but there's some confusion
Projects & Services: Hanging Rock
"Listening Post" Re Protecting Hanging Rock 25 August, Outside Coles in Woodend (22/8/15 - C) Consultants for Hanging Rock Review are looking for more community feedback
More Consultation On Hanging Rock - Council Reveals Its Proposed New 2 Shelters And, Unusually, Asks You What You Think. Comments in by Friday 24 July (14/7/15 - C) It's raining consultation in fact - there's a drop-in session as well at the East Paddock on Sunday 19 July, 10am - 1pm.
Hanging Rock Review: Workshop In Woodend This Wednesday 15th July 2015 6.30pm (13/7/15 - C) Your chance to have your voice heard in how Hanging Rock is managed and protected in future. RSVP Monday 13 July
Don't Miss Your Chance To Say How Hanging Rock Will Be Managed And Protected Submissions (electronic) close 5.00pm Friday 10 July) Friday 31 July (13/7/15 - C) Time for electronic submissions extended until 31 July, 2015.
Don't Miss Your Chance To Say How Hanging Rock Will Be Managed And Protected (Submissions close 5.00pm Friday 10 July) (4/7/15 - C) Great news - it doesn't have to be Council's plans for gross over-development. Thanks to the State government, at last the COMMUNITY gets to say what it values and wants.
Hanging Rock: "Haunted Rock?" Launch (28/4/15 - C) Saturday May 9, 2 - 4 pm, Newham Mechanics Institute
Breathtaking! Planning Minister Acts Decisively To Make Hanging Rock Off-Limits To Commercial Development (22/5/14 - C) But it seems Council is contemplating taking the Minister's money, but not 'no commercial development'
Minister for Planning Climbs Hanging Rock (25/3/14 - SP) The Rock's timelessness, vulnerability, and community ownership: all noted
Hanging Rock: Not For Sale (23/4/13-RA-C) Why is an internationally significant icon, and a nature reserve, being treated as commercial land?
Projects & Services: Kyneton Airfield
Move Over Hanging Rock and the Equine Centre: The Deranged Masterplan For Council's Commercialisation Of Kyneton Airfield Has Arrived Submissions Close Sunday 5 June (24/5/16 - C) Deja-vu here as Council says revenue from the airfield isn't enough for its upkeep. Council's answer? No prizes if you said, how about tripling flight operations, and commercialise, commercialise, commercialise public land - oh, and extend the main runway 300 metres closer to the town. Current 24/7 operations introduced in 2014 are already driving residents crazy. Kyneton Airfield file
Projects & Services: Kyneton Indoor Pool
Kyneton Pool: And So It Came To Pass That $5 Million Belatedly Landed On Macedon Ranges... (30/5/09 - C) With luck like that, who needs Labor party friends in high places?
Kyneton Pool: Horse-trading, Muddled Thinking And Risk Taking Prevails (9/3/09 - C) Potential double disaster for ratepayers
Change Of Venue For 25 February Council Meeting Which Will Decide Fate Of Kyneton Pool (21/2/09 - C) Sacred Heart College, Kyneton is the place to be but if you don't support it, we say tell your councillors beforehand
Macedon Ranges Shire Gets $947,000 From Federal Govt (19/11/08 - FG) That's two pieces of good news: that we are getting it, and it doesn't look like it can be spent on the Kyneton pool
Council 08/09 Budget: Drowning In Debt - What Council Didn't Tell You (24/6/08 - C) Is it back to the 'bad old days' of having to check every inch of a budget? Council's unannounced change to its accounting method for borrowings makes a terrible outcome look good. MRRA tackles the key points in its Budget Myths
Motion To Get Rid Of Kyneton Pool Goes Belly Up On 5 To 4 Vote (2/6/08 - C) But the "five" who support going ahead with the pool - Crs. Harvey, Connor, Bleeck, Relph and Neil - didn't have the courage to say why they voted the way they did. It gives new meaning to "silent majority" and some - many? - may think it pushes Macedon Ranges' democracy even further down the toilet
Notice of Motion At Council Meeting Wednesday Night - Get Rid Of Kyneton Pool! (26/5/08 - C) Will they or won't they? The notice of motion also asks for costs to upgrade existing pool and stadium facilities, and for all costs to be publicly revealed
Kyneton Pool? Read "Money Pit" and Rip Off For Ratepayers That Should See 5 Current Councillors Thrown Out At The 2008 Council Election (11/10/07 - C) This unaffordable "gift" to so few residents will suck Council resources dry, divert funding from everywhere else in the Shire, rip ratepayers off for years, and there’s even talk of the Shire being bankrupt within 2 years of the pool’s completion. Who thought this was a good idea? Crs. Harvey, Neil, Bleeck, Relph and Connor - the candidates NOT to vote for in 2008
Council To Review Kyneton Pool Costings (28/8/07 - C) Surprise vote result sees Council (albeit apparently reluctantly by some) take a precautionary approach
Council To Vote On Calling For New Costings For Kyneton Pool At Tonight's Council Meeting (at Romsey) (22/8/07 - C) MRRA endorses having some up-to-date information on costs before a decision is made on whether to go ahead with the pool
Is It True? Is Kyneton Bowling Club Looking For Financial Help From Council? (12/7/07 - C) If rumour is right, KBC may be running out of money, and wanting Council to bankroll completion of pokies' venue
Splish-Splash - Council Finances Go Crash As 'Usual' Councillors Go For Kyneton Indoor Pool (28/8/06 - C) If you pay rates in Macedon Ranges, you should be afraid
Projects & Services: Mowing Services
After A Couple Of Tries, Council Beefs Up Lawn Mowing Services To Aged and Infirm - For Now (12/9/06 - C) Cuts are really the State and Commonwealth governments' fault, and cost-shifting has to stop
Council Delivers Double Blow To Macedon Ranges' Pensioners (31/7/06 - C) Higher rates, and now seniors lose subsidized mowing service - pay for it yourselves, pensioners told
Projects & Services: Office Restructure
Council Begins The Office Restructure Changeover (12/7/07 - C) New location and phone contact details for Council's Environmental Services Unit
Projects & Services: Open Space
South Gisborne Residents Pressure Council Into NOT Selling Namnan Way Open Space (29/5/07 - C) Placards, kids and even a dog got the message across to 6 of our 9 Councillors
Projects & Services: Positive Aging
Update on Council's Aging Well, Living Better Project (21/8/09 - C) And a thank you as well
Living Well, Aging Even Better (30/5/09 - C) World Cafe Forums for community and service providers 23, 26 and 29 June to follow up consultation
Have Your Say On Positive Aging (24/4/09 - C) Council asks for your help
Projects & Services: Romsey Hub
Romsey Hub Almost A Goer (12/9/06 - C) Council just has to find the money to finish buying the land
Projects & Services: Waste
Council Decision On Green Waste Charges Shows No Leadership On Environment And Sustainability (2/4/09 - C) Disappointment continues as Council decides free green waste disposal is too expensive
Projects & Services: Website
Council Spends OUR Money Changing OUR Website Then Tells Us About It After The Fact (23/4/13-RA-C) Official records removed, Shire logo and website content changed: was there any point at which Council thought the community should be consulted?
Projects & Services: Woodend Racecourse Reserve Shed
Council Asks For Comments By 28 February On Enormous New Equine "Shed" Proposal At Woodend's Racecourse Reserve (25/2/17 - C) Offer to donate a 64 x 30 x 6 metre indoor equine arena for Woodend's pony club conflicts with environmental, open space and public land values. Council says a planning permit is not required, so this is your only opportunity to have a say.
How, And Why, Was The Riddells Creek Supermarket Rescission Motion Refused? (23/4/13-RA-P) Is Council picking and choosing process to favour some over others? Is there even a "process" for rescission motions in Macedon Ranges anymore?
Concerns Over Macedon Ranges' CEO Contract Deepen As Noel Harvey Hits Out At Former Councillor Colleagues (22/7/09 - C) Harvey admits signing dubious CEO contract but claims lack of Council seal is an 'administrative oversight' - response from former councillor colleague refutes Harvey's claims - story picked up Sunday Herald Sun - expanded by Glen Eira Residents' blog
What's Going On With Macedon Ranges' CEO's Contract, And Why Did Noel Harvey Sign It? (21/6/09 - C) With the big questions this issue raises, isn't it time everything was laid on the table?
Kyneton Pool: And So It Came To Pass That $5 Million Belatedly Landed On Macedon Ranges... (30/5/09 - C)* With luck like that, who needs Labor party friends in high places?
Industrial Relations Commission's Decision: Council Performances Condemn Ratepayers To More Expense (29/9/08 - C) $40,875 awarded to unfairly dismissed Shire employee, and it may not stop there
Council Loses David Brown Unfair Dismissal Case - Big Time (6/7/08 - C) And it's not over yet - the case and the costs to ratepayers
Is The Sky The Limit For Council's Costs In Its Fight Against A Charge Of Unfair Dismissal? (11/3/08 - C) Help! Has anyone got the facts?
Former Romsey Shire Head Is Next Macedon Ranges' CEO (29/10/07 - C) Currently CEO of Corangamite Shire
Macedon Ranges' Chief Executive Calls It A Day (29/5/07 - C) Some big achievements and a vision to get Macedon Ranges going in the right direction...
Council Standards
Standards: Other Councils
Brimbank Council Sacked (17/9/09 - C) State government acts on new report: suspend or sack them
Standards: Section 223 Committee
First Planning, And Now Democracy, Crash In Macedon Ranges (9/4/07 - C) The way this Council is going, are there any takers on how long it will be before 'Finances' joins Planning and Democracy in the 'not working' bin?
Standards: Conflicts of Interest
New Councillor Guidelines Released: Unbiased Decision-Making And Conflicts Of Interest (9/3/09 - C) These will come as a monumental shock to the system for some Councillors...
Ombudsman's Report On Conflicts Of Interest In Local Government Now Out (14/3/08 - C) Recommendations to tighten accountability in local government
When's A Conflict Of Interest Not A Conflict? (31/7/06 - C) Two Macedon Ranges' Councillors interpret legal requirements very differently
Municipal Association of Victoria Releases Guidelines For Councillor Conflicts of Interest (10/6/06 - C) Descriptions of who could be considered a Councillor's "close associate" are fascinating...
Macedon Ranges' Councillor Marty Evans Named In Parliament (24/10/05 - C) Independent MLC Dianne Hadden asks Local Government Minister Candy Broad to investigate alleged conflict of interest
Standards: Code of Conduct
The "We-Don't-Want-To-Be Accountable" Majority Wins The Day On Council's Code of Conduct (21/12/06 - C) Code just a shadow of its former self - Councillors can keep on meeting with applicants... and they are
MRRA Presentation and Deputy Ombudsman's Submission Fall On Fallow Ground: Code Of Conduct Hijacked For Some "Simplification" As Most Councillors Baulk At Prohibition On Meeting Privately With Developers (14/10/06 - C) Isn't this the type of behaviour that led to Royal Commissions in Queensland and NSW? How much longer do residents have to put up with Councillors who seem to think they can do whatever they want? Doesn't the Bracks government care?
Council's Draft Code of Conduct Is Now Available: Community Comments To Be In By 22 September (12/9/06 - C) Sharpen your pencil! If you want Councillors to be more accountable and transparent, download the letter MRRA has prepared and send it off to Council giving the draft Code a 'big tick'
Council CODE OF CONDUCT: The Concept Of Local Democracy Hangs By A Thread As Some Councillors Squeal About Being More Accountable (23/8/06 - C) The thought of having a Code that says no private meetings with developers had some of them positively squirming
Councillors To Consider Code Of Conduct Wednesday 2 August at Kyneton (31/7/06 - C) YOU should be at this meeting to see who supports, and who opposes, being more open and accountable
Standards: Minister for Local Government Says Councils Are OK
Minister For Local Government Says The State Government's Fixed Problems With Councils (28/8/06 - C) Haven't noticed 'the fix' in Macedon Ranges - have you?
Surveys: Community Satisfaction
Macedon Ranges Shire's 2012 Community Satisfaction Survey Results (17/10/12 - C) Wins, and some pull-your-socks-up losses, for Council
DPCD Community Satisfaction Survey - Council: Same Old, Same Old... Mediocrity (10/8/08 - C) Planning, local roads and footpaths are "key improvement areas", with community engagement "act here next"
Latest Community Satisfaction Survey Of Council's Performance Should Start Bells Ringing On Parking and Planning - Alarm Bells! (10/6/06 - C) The survey shows Council made slight improvements in Customer Contact and Health and Human Services but Macedon Ranges' residents have said they don't like what's happening in other areas with satisfaction levels slumping to 43% for planning, 54% for community engagement, 46% for local roads and footpaths, and 59% for traffic management and parking
Surveys: Community Values
Council Asks "What Do You Value?" In Update Newsletter Survey (15/5/06 - C) Get your two-bob's worth in by completing the survey and sending it back to Council ASAP
Surveys: New Residents
Council Releases Latest "Characteristics Of New Ratepayers" 2006/2007 Survey (24/6/08 - E) Confirms people still come here because it is rural, and also that some of the things they want in their rural paradise will make it a suburb
Council's 'New Residents' Survey and Report Produces Some Surprise Results (10/6/06 - C) Why they come here isn't a surprise: rural lifestyle and natural beauty wins hands down
Municipal Association of Victoria [MAV] Releases Local Government Cost Index (22/5/10 - C) More bad news - the gist seems to be 'expect higher rates'
Municipal Association of Victoria [MAV] Seems To Have Turned The Corner (30/5/09 - C) Two rip-snorting media releases in one week
MAV Leads On Transition Towns, Forum 4 June (7/5/09 - E) How a community can transition to an energy lean, carbon constrained, and re-localised future that is abundant, sustainable, pleasurable, and resilient
Municipal Association of Victoria President and Board Elections (2/4/09 - C) Results announced Friday 3 April
MAV Starts Work On Decimating Rural Zones? (13/6/08 - P) With its fingerprints all over the new residential zones - yes, the ones that take away residents' rights - the Municipal Association of Victoria seems to now be turning its attention to the Rural zones. If it is, and this foray into zones goes as 'well' as the residential zones did (NOT), a disaster is in store for rural Victoria. You can kiss rural land goodbye...
National Year Of Women In Local Government 2010 (21/8/09 - SG) VLGA "Leading Edge" Forum 3 September